Displaying 20 results from an estimated 79 matches for "wid".
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2012 May 03
Identifying case by groups in a data frame
Hi everyone,
I would like to identify the case by groups that is just bigger that
avg plus sd. For example, using species as group and petal.wid as my
variable in the iris data.
What's the better way to doit? creating a function?
So,the question is to identify the single element of each species that is just larger than a cut-off point (i.e. larger than mean + sd)
I made this, but I can not make a relation to to orginal data for identi...
2007 Oct 24
random walk w/ reflecting boundary: avoid control construct? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
...f step[i-1] then it is also independent of -step[i-1]):
Cheers Joe
> # your (unbounded) random walk
> k <- cumsum(c(0,sample(c(-1,1), 1000, rep = T)))
> #shift it to positive, to allow following calculations k <- k - min(k)
> # set your bound (remember min(k) is now zero) wid <- 10
> # fold the walk back on itself with 'creases' at wid, 2*wid, 3*wid, ...
> walls <- ifelse((k%/%wid)%%2==1,
> # if k[i] = a*wid + b, with a odd and b < wid,
> # invert it and map it to (0, wid)
> (1+(k%/%wid))*wid...
2007 Sep 28
errorbar il lattice plot
...clear how what data object to
put the standard errors for the thing to work...
My code (the version that at least draws a plot):
xyplot(inbreeding~generations|breeds, data = trellisplot, type = 'l', layout =
c(2,5), col = 'black', lwd = 3,
errbar = function(x, y, err, down = T, width = 0.005, lwd = 1, plot = T,
up <- y + err
dn <- y - err
x.range <- max(x) - min(x)
wid.lf <- x - (x.range * width)
wid.rt <- x + (x.range * width)
if(plot == F) {
return(data.frame(x, up, dn))
else {
if(down == F) {...
2010 Feb 16
error : unused argument(s) when boxplot
Dear all,
I am a total beginner in R, so sorry if this is the wrong place. I am using R 2.10.1 on a Mac (Mac OS 10.6.2).
I have this small dataset :
growth sugar
75 C
72 C
73 C
61 F
67 F
64 F
62 S
63 S
I have no problem reading the table, or getting the summary, but if I try boxplot(growth~sugar, ylab="growth", xlab="sugar", data=Dataset), I have the following error :
2008 Dec 27
Sonic Mega Collection crashes on startup.
...Stub; we set our timer resolution at minimum
warn:dsound:DirectSoundDevice_SetCooperativeLevel level=DSSCL_PRIORITY not fully supported
warn:dsalsa:SetFormat Could not set sound rate to 44100, but instead to 48000
warn:dsound:PrimaryBufferImpl_GetVolume control unavailable
warn:mmtime:timeKillEvent wID=3 is not a valid timer ID
warn:mmtime:timeKillEvent wID=3 is not a valid timer ID
warn:heap:HEAP_Decommit Could not decommit 003d0000 bytes at 0xbf970000 for heap 0xbf940000
warn:heap:HEAP_Decommit Could not decommit 003d0000 bytes at 0xbf970000 for heap 0xbf940000
2005 Sep 22
Automatic creation of file names
Dear R-Help members,
I have a question about how to save to the hard drive the one thousand
datasets I generated in a simulation. The datasets are created in a
"for" loop that repeatedly creates normally distributed datasets, such
as the example below:
for (number in 1:1000) {
dataset = mvrnorm(n = 400, mu = c(0,0,0),
Sigma =
2006 Jan 23
too-large notches in boxplot (PR #7690)
...hes have been truncated.
?? what should the behavior be ??
the diff is against the 11 Jan version of R 2.3.0
*** newboxplot.R 2006-01-23 14:32:12.000000000 -0500
--- oldboxplot.R 2006-01-23 14:29:29.000000000 -0500
*** 84,98 ****
bplt <- function(x, wid, stats, out, conf, notch, xlog, i)
## Draw single box plot
- conf.ok <- TRUE
- if(!any(is.na(stats))) {
- ## check for overlap of notches and hinges
- if (notch && (stats[2]>conf[1] || stats[4]<conf[2])) {
- conf.ok <...
2012 Jan 31
Error in linearHypothesis.mlm: The error SSP matrix is apparently of deficient rank
...<- as.factor(data$Participant)
ops <- options(contrasts = c('contr.sum', 'contr.poly'))
ezANOVA(data, dv = .(Measure.2), wid = .(Participant), within = .(Factor), type = 3, detailed = T)
ezANOVA(data, dv = .(Measure.1), wid = .(Participant), within = .(Factor), type = 3, detailed = T)
I get a model from the first call to ezANOVA, but the deficient rank error from the second
2013 Feb 13
sweave question
Hi Everyone: I was having trouble getting the plot size correct when
putting a plot in an sweave document. So, I searched on the internet and I
found a clever solution where the person uses
the cat function to write latex code so he can include the cat code in the
chunk and place the plot using width and height. The solution is here:
But the solution uses a backslash before the ending quotes in the cat
statements that might be windows relevant possibly ? I'm not sure about
that part but I'm on linux and when I tried my wa...
2005 Oct 08
add leading 0s to %d from png() {was Automatic creation of file names}
...plotting more than one
page on png()? 'Properly' means to me with leading 0s, so that the
PNGs become easy to navigate in a file/image browser. Lacking a better
solution I ended up using the code below, but would much prefer
something like
where %d could be formatted like
Thank you,
#---works, but is rather complicated---
pngno <- 0 ; i <- 1
for (w in 1:53) {
if (i %in% c(4*0:100+1)) {
pngno <- pngno + 1
2006 Mar 28
Your RoR 1.1 Adoption Prediction?
What is the likelyhood that major inexpensive webhosts like godaddy,
bluehost, etc. will upgrade to RoR 1.1? Is this going to be like PHP 5
where it has to percolate for a year or more before it becomes widly
available? Your thoughts?
Along the same lines... is it possible to adopt some of the new improved
Ajax / javascript capabilities without actually upgrading the ruby
Thanks in advance.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2000 Sep 28
No subject
Prasad wrote:
> I wrote a function in R which uses tcltk package .... essentially I wanted
> to give within that function, a widget with 2 radiobuttons to choose
> between plotting Precip and Temperature plots. After the user has chosen
> one of the radiobuttons there is another widget that asking him to identify
> outliers. However, I am having a lot of problems...what R does is evaluate
> the whole function wit...
2000 Sep 28
tcltk package functionality
I wrote a function in R which uses tcltk package .... essentially I wanted
to give within that function, a widget with 2 radiobuttons to choose
between plotting Precip and Temperature plots. After the user has chosen
one of the radiobuttons there is another widget that asking him to identify
outliers. However, I am having a lot of problems...what R does is evaluate
the whole function without pausing...if I...
2009 Aug 20
Sweave truncation
...x file.
I needed help from someone with more latex experience to progress
At 10:12 20/08/2009, you wrote:
>Thanks for your inspiration: This combination of strwrap and writeLines
>seems to "work" in one sense of the word:
># Intro stuff:
>wid <- 50
>hide <- capture.output(example(glm))
># The business end:
>writeLines( strwrap( capture.output(summary(glm.D93)), wid))
>Mind you, while it "works", it's an awful construct. I was actually
>hoping to show this cod...
2005 Nov 22
(PR#8337) formatC adds leading space -- on some Windoze
KevinW> I seem unable to left-justify exponential format
KevinW> numbers. There appears to always be an extra space
KevinW> inserted to the left.
KevinW> Using the example from the formatC help page:
R> xx <- pi * 10^(-5:4)
R> cbind(formatC(xx, wid = 9, flag = "-"))
KevinW> [,1]
KevinW> [1,] " 3.142e-05"
KevinW> [2,] "0.0003142"
KevinW> [3,] "0.003142 "
KevinW> [4,] "0.03142 "
KevinW> [5,] "0.3142 "
KevinW> [6,] &qu...
2010 Oct 19
ANOVA stuffs_How to save each result from FOR command?
...le size is
different(M:F=23:18) and one of condition(cond) and the interaction at each
subset from 90 datasets
So I perform anova 90 times using a command like below;
for(i in 1:90) {results_ezANOVA = ezANOVA(data=subset(ast.ast_coef,
ast.ast_coef$coef_thr==i), dv=.(ast.values), between=.(gender), wid=.(subj),
But I got the last(90th) result, not all.
Here are my questions.
1) Is my command correct?
2) If correct, please let me know if I can get all 90 results.
3) What kind of postHoc would be appropriate?
Thank you,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Mar 04
...s something I
haven't understood about the grid.layout function. The second time I
use it, it does what I expect, but there's something wrong with the
first one.
N <- 5
variates <- LETTERS[1:N]
plot.square <- 2 * length(variates)# cm
text.wid <- 3 # cm
vp <- grid.layout(nrow = 1, ncol = 2,
widths = c(text.wid, plot.square),
heights = plot.square, default.units = "cm")
pushViewport(viewport(layout = vp, layout.pos.row = 1,
layout.pos.col = 2))
1997 May 20
R-alpha: print 'problems': print(2^30, digits=12); comments at start of function()
>> To: r-testers@stat.math.ethz.ch
>> #4) If you put a few lines of comments at the start of a function,
>> then the comments always appear *after* the first line of code.
This is REALLY painful; try, e.g.,
fcat <- function(..., f.dig= 4, f.wid = f.dig +5, f.flag = ' ', nl = TRUE,
file = "", sep = " ",
fill = FALSE, labels = NULL, append = FALSE)
## Purpose: Formatted CAT -- for printing 'tables'
## -----------------------------------------------------------------...
2003 Jan 16
Summary: Faster way for weighted matching
...n large matrices, it's
a familiar truism that as.vector(z %*% rep(1, dim(z)[2]))
is MUCH faster than apply(z, 1, sum).
The equivalent "inline" code for "max" is not so nice.
So here's an alternative version (untested):
z <- abs(outer(w, x, "-"))
wid <- seq(along=w)
top <- 1 + round(max(z), 0) # we know z is nonnegative by construction
s <- z[ sort.list((z / top) + matrix(wid, nrow=dim(z)[1], ncol=dim(z)[2], byrow=F)[wid * dim(z)[2]] ]
z <- (1 - (z / matrix(s, nrow=dim(z)[1], ncol=dim(z)[2], byrow=F))^3)^3
sums <- as.vect...
2015 Nov 10
[PATCH v4 0/6] virtio core DMA API conversion
...ny device
in that vendor/device range would bypass the iommu unless some new
property "actually-works-like-a-real-pci-device" happens to exist in
the device-tree, which we would then need to define somewhere and
handle accross at least 3 different platforms who get their device-tree
from widly different places.
Also if tomorrow I create a PCI device that implements virtio-net and
put it in a machine running IBM proprietary firmware (or Apple's or
Sun's), it won't have that property...
This is not hypothetical. People are using virtio to do point-to-point
communication bet...