search for: alessandrosemeria

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "alessandrosemeria".

2003 Jan 22
self-split plot on multiple device
Hello! I would plot more than 10 (this number is always different) graphics on a figure with layout like 'mfrow=c(4,2)'. There is some existing function able to open the right number of device if number of graphics is done or I have to build it myself with some 'IF.....ELSE.....'? Thanks. A.S. ----------------------------
2002 Nov 04
write table and dinnames
I would write in tab-text file a table like this one: TAB colname1 TAB colname2 TAB TAB... colnameN rowname1 # # # rowname2 # # # rownameM # # # then I wrote something like: mymatrix <- matrix(nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=T) rownames(mymatrix) <- chvector1 colnames(mymatrix) <- chvector2
2002 Nov 06
chisq.test on a matrix
Hello! What kind of calculation perform 'chisq.test', if its argument is a matrix? Thanks for any suggestion! ------------------------------------------------------------ Sincerely yours. Dr. Alessandro Semeria Tel. +39 544 536811 Models and Simulation Lab of Fax. +39 544 538663 The Environment Research Center - Montecatini
2002 Dec 18
gene ontology association
Hello! I don't know if there is some R-package able to associate ontology to a long list of GeneBank Name (a txt-tab file or an XML file), i.e. I would as output a formatted file with 4 columns (1:GeneBank Name 2,3,4:ontology). I know that I have to perform a mapping of genes, I got a look on AnnBuilder pkg, but I 've not idea from where to start. Some suggestion? Thanks in advance!
2002 Oct 28
create an object list in a loop
Hi! Probably I perform this question because I did'nt still understand the R-philosophy. I have to build many matrix, with different dimensions, and I would to assign them a same 'prefix' name, i.e. "aval", but, obviuosly different suffix, something like: for (i in 1:n) { aval%i% <- matrix(scan(data....),nrow=nr[i],ncol=nc[i] ... } where "%i%"
2002 Oct 31
distributions homogeneity3
RE-Hello dear R-list! I have to test if N (non linear) experimantal distributions fit some of known one. I would proceed in this way: 1. Fit with 'nlm' and e.g. power law one ( non outlier) distribution of mine. 2. Perform 'chisq.test' for each pairs (power law ,distribution(i)) but I'm neither a statistician nor a skilled on R, so I ask you: ther'is some other way, more
2002 Nov 11
lines on class objects table
Hi dear R-list. I would superimpose many lines of class 'table' over a plot(table.0,type ="l",...), I tried 'lines(table.n,type="l",..)' but its behaviour is quite different from those of 'plot' : >plot(table,type="l"...) # start graph from x = 0 >lines(table,type="l"...) # start graph from x = 1 Some sugestions? Thanks
2002 Nov 20
Look at 'lm' in the 'base' package for linear fit, in the manual "An Introduction to R", distributed with R, page 55.... Best! A. S. ---------------------------- Sincerely yours. |------------------------------------+------------------------------------| |Alessandro Semeria |Tel. +39 544 536811 |