Dear Joel,
To draw marginal boxplots around the scatterplot, the scatterplot function
in car sets some plotting parameters, then resets these to their previous
value when the function exits, making it impossible to add to the plot.
This behaviour is intentional, but I agree that it can be problematic.
An immediate fix is to comment out the command
on.exit(par(mar = mar, mfcol = mfcol))
in scatterplot.default. If you do this, be aware that these plotting
parameters will be changed for the current graphics device.
A more permanent solution is to add an argument such as reset.par
(defaulting to FALSE) to the function, which I'll do in the next version of
Thanks for bringing the problem to my attention,
At 01:26 PM 8/26/2002 -0400, Joel Kincaid wrote:>Network Blitz
>I'm trying to generate a graph to summarize Interest Rate Parity. This
>involves a scatterplot of x against y where the x and y limits are set
>so to center the graph on 0,0 and then adding each axis line and a 45
>degree line. Using CAR's scatterplot (sample code below) everything
>except the axes plot fine:
>scatterplot( Interest.Rate.Dif ~ ForPrm| profit,
>The problem is that the vertical (horz) line lies aprox 3% below (to the
>left) of the 'zero' tick (or perhaps the zero tick lies above the
>point). My intution is that there are multiple coordnet systems, but who
>Any insights, suggestions etc, are welcome,
>Joel Kincaid,
>Asst. Prof of Economics,
>Salisbury University,
>Salisbury MD USA
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