search for: intut

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "intut".

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2005 Feb 05
loess problems
I have a problem either understanding what loess is doing or that loess has a problem itself. As the x-axis variables become more concentrated on a particular point,the estimated loess tends to zero????. the examples below show what i am talking about, why is that? my intution tells me that it should tend to the mean of the variable which is been smoothed. Here's a worked up example x <- c(seq(0,100), rep(100,1000)) y <- rnorm(length(x), mean=10, sd=2) scatter.smooth(x,y) Although it does give warnings, I don't understand why it is giving the estima...
2002 Aug 26
(CAR) Scatterplot and problems (?) with abline the axes plot fine: scatterplot( Interest.Rate.Dif ~ ForPrm| profit, xlim=c(-1,1),ylim=c(-1,1)) abline(0,1) abline(v=0) abline(h=0). The problem is that the vertical (horz) line lies aprox 3% below (to the left) of the 'zero' tick (or perhaps the zero tick lies above the zero point). My intution is that there are multiple coordnet systems, but who knows.... Any insights, suggestions etc, are welcome, cheers, Joel Kincaid, Asst. Prof of Economics, Salisbury University, Salisbury MD USA -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list --...
2016 Feb 06
Why is my rsync transfer slow?
...ternal disk has USB2 so I could set it up like this external disk <--USB2--> NAS <--ethernet--> computer but I assumed it meant that I had to transfer the data from the external disk to the computer via both USB and ethernet and then transfer it back to the NAS over ethernet which, intutively, sounded slow.
2010 Nov 30
researcher with highly skewed data set seeks help finding practical GLMM tutorial
...ose sources I am mainly finding quite theoretical treatments going over my head, for example: I am moderately competent programming in R, having coded custom permutation tests before (which in contrast to GLMM I find intutive). In case anyone is kind enough to give me any specific pointers, here is the nature of my data set. With an N of 42 subjects, I have a highly left skewed (about half the data points are zero) frequency variable as dependent variable. This variable is measured in each subject in three different...
2010 Jun 03
lapply or data.table to find a unit's previous transaction
...= i, TranDt]), length(TranDt)]> 1) TranList2[[i]]<- cbind(TranID= i, DataDT[UnitID== substr(i, 1, nchar(n))& TranDt< (DataDT[TranID== i, TranDt]), list(TranDt= max(TranDt))]) } #Finally, I convert from a list to a data table BeforeTran2<-"rbind", TranList2) #My intution says that this code doesn't take advantage of data.table's attributes. #Are there any ideas out there? ?Thank you. #P.S. I've tried plyr and it does not help my memory problem. -- William H. Rogers
2016 Jan 25
Why is my rsync transfer slow? at wrote: > Thank you. I will try your suggestions. First I will connect the NAS Ah, you didn't mention NAS ! How is it connected to the computer hosting "A" ? If via network then you've added *another* layer. > directly to the computer (Do you recommend USB2 or 1 Gb Ethernet? Or should I daisy chain external HD and NAS? Then
2004 Jul 12
verbiage suggestion
It occurs to me that it would probably avoid a LOT of newbie confusion if instead of "bytes written" and "bytes read", the stats said "bytes sent" and "bytes received". Anybody who doesn't know better intutively tends to grasp "bytes written" as what got written *to the hard drive* rather than what got sent over the pipe. Jim Salter JRS Systems
2006 Sep 19
looking for some functions to analyze a data set.
Hi R-users I have a data set. There are 10 products and the numbers of people who ranked the products. The format of the data set is productID rank1 rank2 rank3 rank4 rank5 rank6 rank7 rank8 rank9 rank10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 10 2 3 3 6 4 2 5
2008 Jan 10
question regarding kpss tests from urca, uroot and tseries packages
Hi R users! I've come across using kpss tests for time series analysis and i have a question that troubles me since i don't have much experience with time series and the mathematical part underlining it. x<-c(253, 252, 275, 275, 272, 254, 272, 252, 249, 300, 244, 258, 255, 285, 301, 278, 279, 304, 275, 276, 313, 292, 302, 322, 281, 298, 305, 295, 286, 327, 286, 270, 289, 293, 287,
2005 Jan 24
[Bug 413] Port forwarding: [localhost:]localport:remotehost:remoteport ------- Additional Comments From dtucker at 2005-01-24 14:27 ------- Created an attachment (id=782) --> ( regression test for binding port forwards to addresses Current limitations of test: - no testing of IPv6 - no testing of backwards compat
2004 Dec 20
'I'nvalid extension handling problems, even with workaround
Hello folks, I'm having trouble configuring Asterisk to play an "invalid extension" message to anyone dialing an undefined extension. First I tried using the 'i' pseudo-extension, but it didn't work at all; searching the wiki I found that page: where it basically says that the 'i'
2003 Feb 23
...ass hierarchy I think about generic functions (as they work today) as methods that are placed in the root object. However, why can they not be further down the tree where they can be documented specifically for that subtree and provide polymorphism from there on? This should still be (be even more) intutive for the end user I think. So not thinking about S3 or S4, but in a longer term, is there a reason for not going the whole way and having a method dispatching mechanism that is totally general like in other object-oriented languages? When asking this, I might reveal that I am not fully confortab...
2004 Dec 23
Qestion about TDM over enthernet >of the various 'context' statements to accomplish an objective. Part of >reason for the steep learning curve appears to relate to the lack of >any reasonable form of tracing/debugging what the system is actually >using for a context at each step. (What I mean is that its not intutive >for the beginner.) I agree. I'm working with 15 (!) "-v" on the command-line here and yet I can only perceive Asterisk has left or entered a context indirectly, by the commands that are executing. >It would really be nice if there was a 'debug context' type command...
2006 Mar 25
Your Ruby IDE
Just a poll here i am looking for a good IDE for rails and wondering what you guys use? features i like in an ide code highlites auto code complete file browser Currently i am using dreamwever but the code highliting is really bad its also a pain to set up other doucment types such as .yml data config. -- Posted via