For the reasons you mention I wrote a 'relibrary()' function, which
and reloads a library. It is basically a modification of the (R v1.3.1)
library() function. The reason for the cut-n-paste from the library() source
instead of a function that calls library() internally is that library makes
use of substitute() which is a very odd creature. Anyway, the code (and the
Rd source) for relibrary() is below.
Henrik Bengtsson
Dept. of Mathematical Statistics @ Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Lund Institute of Technology/Lund University, Sweden (+2h UTC)
Office: P316, +46 46 222 9611 (phone), +46 46 222 4623 (fax)
h b @ m a t h s . l t h . s e
# \name{relibrary}
# \alias{relibrary}
# \title{Reloads a package}
# \usage{
# relibrary(package, character.only=FALSE, warn.conflicts=FALSE, ...)
# }
# \description{
# Reloads a package. This function works exactly the same as
# \code{\link[base]{library}}, \emph{except} that it is reloads the package
# if it already loaded. This is useful for developers.
# For more information see \code{\link[base]{library}}.
# }
# \arguments{
# \item{package}{Name or character string giving the name of a package.}
# \item{character.only}{A logical indicating whether \code{package} can
# be assumed to be character strings. Default value is \code{FALSE}.}
# \item{warn.conflicts}{If \code{TRUE}, warnings are printed about
# conflicts from reattaching of the package, unless that package
# contains an object \code{.conflicts.OK}. Default value is
# \code{FALSE}.}
# \item{...}{Any other arguments that \code{\link[base]{library}} takes.}
# }
# \details{
# While relibrary is reloading a package the option \code{relibrary} will
# be set to name of the package currently reloaded. This can be useful if
# the package to be reloaded would like save away data until it is loaded
# again.
# }
# \author{
# Henrik Bengtsson, \email{henrikb at},
# \url{}
# }
# \seealso{
# See \code{\link[base]{library}}.
# }
# @visibility public
relibrary <- function(package, character.only=FALSE, warn.conflicts=FALSE,
...) {
if (!character.only)
package <- as.character(substitute(package));
options.relibrary <- options(relibrary=package)[[1]];
# If package is already attached, then detach it first.
pkgName <- paste(sep="", "package:", package);
pos <- match(pkgName, search());
if (! {
# If there exists a function .Last.lib() in the package call it first!
if (exists(".Last.lib", where=pos, inherits=FALSE)) {
.Last.lib <- get(".Last.lib", pos=pos, inherits=FALSE);
if (is.function(.Last.lib)) {
libpath <- attr(, "path");
if (!is.null(libpath))
# ...then remove the package.
library(package=package, character.only=TRUE,
warn.conflicts=warn.conflicts, ...);
} # relibrary
# 2001-08-06
# * Now relibrary will set the option "relibrary" to the name of the
# it is currently reloading. This option can be used by the package itself
# in its .First.lib and .Last.lib for instance in case it will store
# something until it is loaded again.
# 2001-08-03
# * Made relibrary by default not warning for conflicts.
# 2001-07-05
# * It is NOT possible to use UseMethod("relibrary", obj, ...).
# 2001-05-03
# * Created.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-r-help at
> [mailto:owner-r-help at]On Behalf Of Jeff D. Hamann
> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 7:41 PM
> To: r-help at
> Subject: [R] easier way to update packages i'm developing?
> I'm frightfully new at developing r packages. I'm developing an
> econometrics
> package, and each time I update my beta package, I close R, delete the
> package dir in the library dir, rebuild the zip file, rerun R,
> reinstall the
> package and run the functions. Is there a more efficient way?
> Jeff.
> Jeff D. Hamann
> Hamann, Donald & Associates, Inc.
> PO Box 1421
> Corvallis, Oregon USA 97339-1421
> Bus. 541-753-7333
> Cell. 541-740-5988
> jeff_hamann at
> -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
> -.-.-.-.-.-.-
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