R help - Oct 1999

Sunday October 31 1999
2:33PM 1 bug in filter function
2:09AM 1 R with ESS: how to start
Friday October 29 1999
9:13PM 1 No subject
Wednesday October 27 1999
2:39PM 0 Installation problems
Tuesday October 26 1999
4:59PM 1 Math and symbols in titles of plots
7:23AM 0 AW: make.socket() fails under Windows NT (2nd)
Monday October 25 1999
9:50PM 2 leaps: XHAUST returned error code -999
6:20PM 0 k-nearest neighbor/neighbour
6:09PM 1 Summary: SQL-Interface
6:08PM 0 make.socket() fails under Windows NT (2nd)
6:01PM 1 need help with building R on Solaris without using shared FORTRAN libraries
5:33PM 1 Linking to html help from outside R
2:52PM 0 errors terminating script
1:58PM 1 trouble reading in datasets
11:14AM 1 Citing R
8:51AM 1 GARCH models available
Saturday October 23 1999
7:49PM 1 greek letters and deparsing in title
Friday October 22 1999
5:29PM 1 par(uin)
12:04PM 0 on-line documentation (was AR models)
7:43AM 1 factors in glm
Thursday October 21 1999
3:54PM 2 problems with memory allocation
4:44AM 1 left.solve
Wednesday October 20 1999
11:50PM 0 Factor Analysis and Chernoff faces
5:25PM 0 [szimeras@irisa.fr: R installation problem]
3:51PM 0 calendar functions
Tuesday October 19 1999
5:47PM 0 programming api
12:35PM 1 dos.time?
4:41AM 2 Summary bug?
Monday October 18 1999
9:55PM 1 memory efficiency in R
8:20PM 2 core dump
4:12PM 0 Polar plots
4:07PM 1 No subject
12:34PM 1 reading binary file
9:13AM 2 CRAN downtimes
9:11AM 2 Solving problems with read.fwf(), perl under WinNT (was: Re: Using metric scaling)
8:57AM 0 Date/time of formation of objects
Saturday October 16 1999
8:56PM 1 ODBC database access package
Thursday October 14 1999
9:35PM 2 use of databases with R?
2:29PM 1 Thursday
2:16PM 1 :Citing R
2:12PM 0 installing R 0.65.1 Release on irix6.3
12:38PM 2 Help on MASS Library
8:44AM 0 Proby densities from the GLM object
6:22AM 0 Fractal dimension for R ?
1:49AM 1 glm vs lm
1:43AM 1 Regression on non linear model
Wednesday October 13 1999
10:28PM 0 INDSCAL for R?
5:11PM 1 Q: sort a matrix by picking up columns?
2:25PM 1 sum elements of dataframe
1:21PM 3 main/character.c (et.al): dangerous AllocBuffer()
2:05AM 1 intervals on plot
12:21AM 1 dataframe transposition
Tuesday October 12 1999
1:55PM 1 (no subject)
10:23AM 1 R for Windows
9:00AM 1 Looking for R_Home ...
Monday October 11 1999
11:16PM 1 if(grep())
Sunday October 10 1999
8:26PM 1 substituting values into a function
12:29AM 1 Using metric scaling
Saturday October 9 1999
1:37PM 2 Re: R-0.65.1 for WinNT/9XRe: R-0.65.1 for WinNT/9X
Friday October 8 1999
7:00PM 1 a beginner's question for window version of R
9:34AM 4 R-0.65.1 for WinNT/9X
1:33AM 1 error using dyn.load
Thursday October 7 1999
6:01PM 0 Xgobi under Windows
1:47PM 1 Xgobi
8:35AM 2 R + GARCH ???
6:49AM 1 [Fwd: Libraries loading, but not really?] - it really IS a problem :-(
6:35AM 0 Libraries loading, but not really?
Wednesday October 6 1999
10:41PM 1 Java interface to R
5:49PM 1 uploaded hdf5 and R 0.65.1 RPMs
1:19PM 1 R-0.65.1 is released
12:29PM 2 R --nsize 2M runs havoc (under linux)
9:45AM 1 R graphics & lyx
Tuesday October 5 1999
11:58AM 3 problem with outer and image
4:34AM 2 for loops and counters
4:07AM 0 interaction.plot
2:39AM 1 WANTED: Q&A
Monday October 4 1999
7:49AM 0 make.socket() fails under Windows NT
7:39AM 1 SQL-Interface
Friday October 1 1999
10:11AM 1 2D wavelet modules exist for R?