>>>>> "Nikita" == Nikita Atkins <nda at
mailcall.com.au> writes:
Nikita> Dear all R users I have been trying to plot a group of
Nikita> intervals by using the bottom code:
Nikita> col3 is just a column of 1500 floating point data.
(added a definition for 'col3' (and dropped ">")
--> completely executable code, please use this in reports like this! --
col3 <- 750+ 100* rt(1500, df = 3)
breaks <- factor(cut(col3,breaks=360+5*(0:155)))
Nikita> Unfortunately when i do the plot, the x-axis has some of the
Nikita> intervals as labels dispite me having both 'ann' and
Nikita> both as FALSE.
The reason is an imperfect implementation of plot.factor(),
or barplot.default(), respectively,
which are called by the above plot() command.
I'll have a look at fixing this.
Note however that you are really just (trying) to plot a histogram of col3
and I wonder why you are *not* just using
hist(col3, breaks =360+5*(0:155)), ...)
Nikita> Could anyone tell me how to remove these from my plot or how to
Nikita> bypass this altogether, maybe by changing the names of the
Nikita> intervals to something else.
A workaround:
tb <- table(breaks); dimnames(tb) <- NULL
barplot(tb, axes=FALSE)
Apropos, we use locally the function
unname <- function (obj)
if (length(names(obj)))
names(obj) <- NULL
if (length(dimnames(obj)) && !is.data.frame(obj))
dimnames(obj) <- NULL
with which you could abbreviate the above to
barplot(unname(table(breaks)), axes= FALSE)
Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum LEO D10 Leonhardstr. 27
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology) 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-3408 fax: ...-1228 <><
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