As it happens I am just in the late stages of writing an ODBC R library.
The code is inspired by Torston Hothorn's RmSql driver (hope you don't
most of the C code is now mine,
but I used his driver as a template and his R code works with only minor
I decided to try and implement this after installing unixODBC so that I could
use StarOffice with Mysql. unixODBC ( c/w drivers of mSql,
postgres, csv (broken, due to be fixed) and Sybase (planned, no date). The
MySql driver comes from the Mysql site.
iODBC ( may work, but is is an unknown as far as I am concerned
and does not appear to c/w a driver set.
I have more or less finished the C library for R and it works superficially at
least with MySql: more testing is needed however since a sigsegV brings R down
with it! It _ought_ to compile under a Windoze compiler, since I got the API
info from the microsoft site, but as I take a hack and slash approach to
programming it may not! Any takers to try? Presumably one could then get at
microsoft-type databases over a net. Unfortunately one would need un*x drivers
to do so from a un*x machine; perhaps someone will write some.
What I need to do now is write some high level functions in S. What I had in
mind was:
odbcConnect(dsn,user,pwd,host=localhost)->channel # 16 open channels poss
sqlsave(channel,dataset) # save dataset in table 'dataset' creating it
sqlload(channel,dataset) # the reverse
sqlquery(channel,query) -> dataframe or matrix ?
sqlcopy(sourcechannel,destchannel,selectstring) # creating db as required.
Any comments?
On 04-Oct-99 Jens Oehlschlägel-Akiyoshi wrote:>
> Can anyone give advice how to interactively exchange data between R and
> SQL-Databases like DB2, ORACLE, MS-SQL-Server ?
> If the answer is: 'currently not', this would be information for me
as well.
> I will summarize to the list.
> Best regards
> --
> Dr. Jens Oehlschlägel-Akiyoshi
> Bayerstrasse 21
> 80335 München
> Tel.: 089 545 28-27
> Fax.: 089 545 28-10
> -
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Date: 04-Oct-99
Time: 20:06:00
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