I'm a newbie at R, and can't get libraries to really work.
I did this:> library(help = mva)
cancor Canonical Correlations
cmdscale Classical (Metric) Multidimensional Scaling
dist Distance Matrix Computation
hclust Hierarchical Clustering
kmeans K-Means Clustering
prcomp Principal Components Analysis> (pc.cr<-princomp(USArrests))
Error: couldn't find function "princomp">
I should say that ?princomp works beautifully, but the function itself
is absent.
I imagine I have done something stupid in installation?
Mike Kalish Coordinator, Cognitive Science
Dept. of Psychology email: kalish at psy.uwa.edu.au
University of Western Australia phone: 61 - 8 - 9380-2688
Nedlands, WA 6009 fax: 61 - 8 - 9380-1006
Australia boneyard.psy.uwa.edu.au/kalish.html
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