I'm trying to answer a question from a student about memory use in R
(I won't go into the details right here).
I have a really vague memory of having read a document, possibly by
Venables or Ripley, discussing the awfulness of memory allocation in
S-PLUS, and giving (in the context of a bootstrapping analysis of shoe
size data??) some general strategies for conserving memory in S-PLUS. I
can't locate this discussion any more: it's not in any versions of
on S-Plus" or "Notes on R" I can get my hands on. It might be in
one of
the S books (V&R, blue book, "Statistical Models in S") but I
don't have
access to any of them right now. I realize that memory usage issues will
be somewhat different in S-PLUS and R (and possibly in later versions of
S-PLUS), but I still the discussion might be useful.
Does this ring any bells for anyone?
Ben Bolker
Ben Bolker bolker at zoo.ufl.edu
Zoology Department, University of Florida zoo.ufl.edu/bolker
318 Carr Hall/Box 118525 tel: (352) 392-5697
Gainesville, FL 32611-8525 fax: (352) 392-3704
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