Hello, Firstly let me explain that the nature of what I want to do is actually beyond my statistical knowledge, having only taken a second year university stats course last year. Therefore I may have missed the statistical essence of what I want to do as well as my lack of ability to do it in R. I am trying to fit some hospital admissions data to a series of weather variables. Due to my lack of knowledge, I am making the crude assumption that the admissions have normally distributed errors (I have taken the square root to stabalise the variance and it looks ok on a QQ plot). Having fitted a series of linear models, I seem to have highly significant p-values with very low R^2 (although we would presumably expect R^2 to be fairly low as I am dealing in health data). I think the p-values are probably artificially low as I have two many degrees of freedom (I have 1530 observations in my dataset). I am also severely breaking the assumption that the observations are independent of each other as clearly temperature on one day is highly correlated with the temperature on previous days, etc. I would therefore like to look at a weighted regression as I believe this will reduce the degrees of freedom (is this correct), giving larger p-values (which is ok) and hopefully larger R^2 values. I just want to look at a vector of constant weights. Now, having not done the theory, I assume that I need one weight for each observation? And also one weight for each variable? So is my so-called "vector" of weights actually a matrix? Or have I got this totally wrong? And if so, how to include it in lm in R? Obviously using the weights argument. So for example I did, weights=rep(0.15,1530) (that's ok isn't it)? But when I ran lm with this argument and just one variable, the number of degrees of freedom wasn't reduced (i.e. I still had 2 and 1528 degrees of freedom). So basically what I am asking is, do I need a weight for each observation, and a weight for each variable, forming a matrix of weights? Or just a vector of a weight for every observation, or just a vector of weights for every variable? Initially I have six variables that I am interested in, so perhaps somebody could reply with an example, say the variables are x1-x6? Thanks very much in advance. Robin Williams Met Office summer intern - Health Forecasting robin.williams@metoffice.gov.uk [[alternative HTML version deleted]]