Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4509 matches for "degrees".
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2007 Jul 25
editing multiple models in one form
...%= submit_tag "Edit" %>
<%= end_form_tag %>
<%= link_to ''Show'', :action => ''show'', :id => @degree %> |
<%= link_to ''Back'', :action => ''list'' %>
and my controller file looks like:
class DegreesController < ApplicationController
model :degree
model :assigned
def index
render :action => ''list''
# GETs should be safe (see
verify :method => :post, :only => [ :destroy, :create, :update...
2007 Mar 18
ticks labels and R
...quot;n", xlim=c(0,360), ylim=c(-90,90), xlab="l, deg", ylab="b,
points(l, b, cex=vel/60, col=1, pch=21);
On this plot I have axis x (denoted by l) ranged in [0,360] with labeling step
20. But I want to set this step equal to 60 and want to set format of labels
to degrees. I'm newbie in R and don't know how to change parameters of axis.
Especially important to add sign of degree to each tick label.
Thanks in advance,
Eugene A. Semenko
e-mail: sea at sao.ru...
2003 Aug 07
plotmath under windows (PR#3672)
Full_Name: Murray H Smith
Version: 1.7.1
OS: Windows2000
Submission from: (NULL) (
This alleged bug is Windows specific and occurs when using Windows metafile
The problem does not occur in a Linux version.
It does not occur in the pt rintout when a graphic is saved to a postscript file
under Windows.
The problem came to light when using plotmath to label a plot with
2010 Aug 25
degree C symbol in a function
Hello help,
I have changed around some graphing code and made it into a function.
Previously they y label of the axis was inserted as text in its own
layout box.
text(1,1, expression(~degree~C),cex=1)
This worked great and resulted in the symbol for degree.
In the function, I have changed it so:
This now inserts ~degree~C
2008 Apr 22
Bug in poly() (PR#11243)
Full_Name: Russell Lenth
Version: 2.6.2
OS: Windows XP Pro
Submission from: (NULL) (
The poly() function allows a higher-degree polynomial than it should, when
For example, consider 5 distinct 'x' values, each repeated twice. we can fit a
polynomial of degree 8:
R> x = rep(1:5, 2)
R> y = rnorm(10)
R> lm(y ~ poly(x, 8))
lm(formula = y ~
2010 Aug 12
x-axis label print in 45 degree
Hi how can print x-axis labels in 45 degree in boxplot() (or plot in general)? I
can use las=2 to print in 90 degree, but it looks ugly. Is there a simple option
to do 45 degree easily?
2010 Aug 16
Converting degree: minute: second data to decimal degree data, should be simple
Hi All,
I have location data set up as degrees: minutes: seconds (for example,
122:45:45) I need to get this data into decimal degree form (122.7625).
I know that I need to use the formula
Decimal degrees = Degrees + (Minutes/60) + (Seconds/3600)
Does anyone know how I can get R to do this?
The original data is all in one column (called ...
2003 Oct 21
Denominator Degrees of Freedom in lme() -- Adjusting and Understanding Them
Hello all.
I was wondering if there is any way to adjust the denominator degrees of
freedom in lme(). It seems to me that there is only one method that can be
used. As has been pointed out previously on the list, the denominator
degrees of freedom given by lme() do not match those given by SAS Proc
Mixed or HLM5. Proc Mixed, for example, offers five different options for
2008 Dec 28
how to get degree according to the name of the node?
Hi all,
I have two networks for the same group of the users.
I want to compare individual's degree in different networks.
But how could I get the degrere of the nodes according to its name?
When I use degree(g1), I could only get a vector of the degree of each node.
But when I turn to g2, I don't know whose degree it is so I can't match it
with the degree(g2).
Now I'm trying to
2011 Mar 03
Plotting Mean in plotting degree distribution
I am plotting degree distribution of a graph using the function,
dd1 = degree.distribution(G)
plot(dd1, xlab = "degree", ylab="frequency")
I would like to plot the mean of the distribution as a vertical line in the
attached plot.
Please let me know how to do this.
Kumar http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n3334375/cdata3_dd.png
2006 Jul 26
residual df in lmer and simulation results
Hello. Douglas Bates has explained in a previous posting to R why he does
not output residual degrees of freedom, F values and probabilities in the
mixed model (lmer) function: because the usual degrees of freedom (obs -
fixed df -1) are not exact and are really only upper bounds. I am
interpreting what he said but I am not a professional statistician, so I
might be getting this wrong...
Does any...
2011 Apr 26
Barplot for degree distribution
In barplot for degree distribution x-axis is not seen.
See the example below
> g = barabasi.game(500, 0.4)
> dd1 = degree.distribution(g)
> plot(dd1, xlab="degree", ylab = "frequency")
whereas barplot doesnot have any x-axis
> barplot(dd1, xlab = "degree", ylab = "frequency")
Please see the figures attached.
2009 Dec 22
use of lm() and poly()
Hi all,
I want to fit data called "metal" with a polynominal function as dP ~ a.0 +
a.1 * U0 + a.2 * U0^2 + a.3 * U0^3 + a.4 * U0^4
The data set includes, the independant variable U0 and the dependant
variable dP.
I've seen that the combination of lm() and poly() can do that instead of
using the nls() function.
But I don't get how to interpret the results from the linear
2005 Oct 12
step.gam and number of tested smooth functions
I'm working with step.gam in gam package. I'm interested both in spline and
lowess functions and when I define all the models that I'm interested in I get
something like that:
> gam.object.ALC<-gam(X143S~ALC,data=dane,family=binomial)
2005 Mar 15
How do I call a masked function in a package without a namespace?
I work with two packages sna and graph from CRAN resp. Bioconductor. Both
packages have a function called "degree". Therefore one of the functions
is masked by the other and which one gets called depends on the order of
loading. The problem is that both package do not have a namespace,
therefore calling the masked function with "package::degree" does not
2002 Sep 24
print(), paste()
Suppose I have the following lines at the end of a function:
answer <- c(2, 1, 0, 4, 5) # In fact, answer will be generate in my
# function
print(answer) # Print the answer
# Now, find the best fitted n degree polynomial
print(paste("The best fit is with", which.min(answer) - 1,
"-degree polynomial"))
this will return:
2011 Jul 19
Incorrect degrees of freedom for splines using GAMM4?
I'm running mixed models in GAMM4 with 2 (non-nested) random intercepts and
I want to include a spline term for one of my exposure variables. However,
when I include a spline term, I always get reported degrees of freedom of
less than 1, even when I know that my spline is using more than 1 degree of
freedom. For example, here is the code for my model:
> global.gamm4<-gamm4(zcog~s(adjpatx, fx=TRUE, k=5)+int234+cogagec+cogagesq
+ + oldfran +newus +alc2 +alc3 +alc4 +alcmiss +smk2 +smk3
2007 May 02
Degrees of freedom in repeated measures glmmPQL
I've just carried out my first good-looking model using glmmPQL, and
the output makes perfect sense in terms of how it fits with our
hypothesis and the graphical representation of the data. However,
please could you clarify whether my degrees of freedom are
I had 106 subjects,
each of them was observed about 9 times, creating 882 data points.
The subjects were in 3 treatment groups, so I have told the model to
include subject as a random factor nested within treatment.
There are two other variables and I'm interested i...
2010 Jun 11
Documentation of B-spline function
This is a documentation related question about the B-spline function in R.
In the help file it is stated that:
"df degrees of freedom; one can specify df rather than knots; bs() then chooses df-degree-1 knots at suitable quantiles of x (which will ignore missing values)."
So if one were to specify a spline with 6 degrees of freedom (and no intercept) then a basis with 6-3-1 =2 internal knots should be created....
2007 Mar 29
Plot degree symbol by itself
Dear all,
I'm trying to plot the degree symbol by itself between two square
brackets. I just want to have "K [?]". So far I got to:
expression(K ~ group("[",1*degree,"]"))
expression(K ~ group("[",1^o,"]"))
But it won't work without a number or letter.
Any suggestions?