I had the same problem, and I fixed following Dirk Eddelbuettel's
suggestion on R-sig-Debian some time ago: install also the package
gnomeGUI to have it working.
Fernando Mayer
Grupo de Estudos Pesqueiros - GEP
Centro de Ci?ncias Tecnol?gicas, da Terra e do Mar - CTTMar
Universidade do Vale do Itaja? - UNIVALI
Itaja? - SC - Brasil
pacocuacco escreveu:> I've installed GNU R statistical comupting language and environment
2.2.1-2 by Synaptic (on Ubunti Linux 6.06 Dapper Drake). I've installed also
r-gnome to have a GUI. I can't start my GUI. Why R --gui=GNOME don't
start? It cannot find rgnome. R --gui=tk command instead is good. What's the
best GUI for R?
> How can I start my GUI?
> Thanks
> Paco
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