nhy303 at abdn.ac.uk
2006-Mar-30 09:28 UTC
[R] Converting shapefiles to use in contour plots
Dear R-users, I have imported a shapefile with depth contours for a sea: depths<-read.shape("D://My Documents/BarentsSea.shp",dbf.data=T) (This is in mercator projection) **Is there a way to convert this shapefile into a format that it may be plotted on a contour plot?** I wish to add these contours onto a map (already coded using 'maps' package) to map the sea contours with surrounding coastlines and answers to my previous question (thankyou to everyone for that) seem to suggest that using contour plot is the way to go. Thankyou again, Lillian. -- Lillian Sandeman PhD Student School of Biological Sciences University of Aberdeen AB24 2TZ Tel.: 01224 272648 E-mail: l.sandeman at abdn.ac.uk