Dear Lillian,
I tried to estimate parameters for time series regression using time
series bootstrapping as described on page 434 in Davison & Hinkley
(1997) - bootstrap methods and their application. This approach is based
on an AR process (ARIMA model) with a regression term (compare also with
page 414 in Venable & Ripley (2002) - modern applied statistics with S)
I rewrote the code for R (this comes without any warranty):
fit <- function( data )
{ X <- cbind(rep(1,100),data$activ)
para <- list( X=X,data=data)
d <- arima(x=para$data$temp,order=c(1,0,0),xreg=para$X)
res <- d$residuals
res <- res[!]
res=res-mean(res),fit=X %*% d$reg.coef)
beaver.args <- fit( beaver )
white.noise <- function( n.sim, ts) sample(ts,size=n.sim,replace=T)
beaver.gen <- function( ts, n.sim, ran.args )
{ tsb <- ran.args$res
fit <- ran.args$fit
coeff <- ran.args$paras
ts$temp <- fit + coeff[4]*arima.sim( model=list(ar=coeff[1]),
n=n.sim,rand.gen=white.noise,ts=tsb )
ts }
new.beaver <- beaver.gen( beaver, 100, beaver.args ) <- function(ts) fit(ts)$paras
beaver.boot <- tsboot( beaver,, R=99,sim="model",
Maybe there is a more elegant way for doing this. Anyway, should
give you confidence intervals.
Let me know how you are doing.
Best, Christian
> From: Lillian Sandeman <l.sandeman>
> Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 13:59:09 +0100 (BST)
> Hello,
> I am have fitted GLS models to time series data. Now I wish to bootstrap
> this data to produce confidence intervals for the model.
> However, because this is time series data, normal bootstrapping is not
> applicable. Secondly, 'tsboot' appears to only be useful for ar
models -
> and does not seem to be applicable to GLS models.
> I have written code in R to randomly sample blocks of the data (as in
> Davison & Hinkley's book - bootstrap methods and their application)
> use this resampling to re-run the model, but this does not seem to be the
> correct approach since Confidence Intervals produced do not show the
> underlying pattern (cycles) in the data [even when block length is
> increased, it only picks up a little of this variation].
> Any help as to how to proceed with this would be greatly appreciated, as I
> cannot find anything applicable on the R pages. Alternatively, if there
> is another method to proceed with this (other than bootstrapping), I would
> also be happy to try it.
> Thankyou,
> Lillian.