search for: coastlin

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 41 matches for "coastlin".

Did you mean: coastline
2011 Jul 14
calculating distance inland from coastline
Hi All, Does anybody know of any existing functions that will calculate distance inland from a coastline? It's possible to test if a lon,lat location is land or sea using map.where(), but I need to add a buffer to this of say 2km, to allow for points that are just on the coast, and below the resolution of the worldHires database. I'm working with a marine mammal satellite telemetry dataset...
2008 Apr 11
polygons on scatterplot3d
Does anyone have any experience plotting complex polygons on a scatterplot3d display? I would like to present some spatially binned data in a 3-d type plot with background polygons (i.e.. a filled coastline map). I can get the coastline onto the plot window as a line type but cannot figure out how to fill the shape. I'm certain it may be possible but might require a bit of digging into the scatterplot3d code and rotational method. Any and all help or suggestions appreciated. EX. librar...
2002 Jul 29
How do we omit the coastline using map?
...en able to do most things I'd like to using the map package, but I can't figure out how to fill a region without drawing a black outline. I can draw the outline in a specified colour, but as soon as I set fill to TRUE, I get a black outline in addition. My map has a lot of activity on the coastline so I don't want a black line obscuring what I do there. A pale colour to indicate land mass is what I want to do. best -- Patrick Connolly HortResearch Mt Albert Auckland New Zealand Ph: +64-9 815 4200 x 7188 ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ I have t...
2004 Feb 03
filled maps
Hi R-Help, I would like to make filled contour maps of ocean data overlaid by costlines from the map package. I can draw the filled contours and the coastlines om the same plot, but the filled contour also covers part of the land. To get rid of that I tried to draw a filled coastline map on top of the filled contour, but the filled map only draws the closed contours - so most of the land is missing. Example: map("worldHires",xlim=c(0,15),ylim=...
2005 Jul 13
maps drawing
Hello, is there a package in R that would allow map drawing: coastlines, country/state boundaries, maybe topography, rivers etc? Thanks for any guidance, Mark
2002 Feb 01
Strange behaviour in "points"
Hi I'm using R Version 1.4.0 Patched (2002-01-16) in a SuSE 7.1 box. I've a plot with the european coastline. After I want to plot a single point in the map using points, but it plots this point in the wrong place. Why is this happening ? Is there a known problem of the points function ? Regards EJ > plot(eucoast,type="l") > points(c(-15.0,57.5)) ps: shall I send the dat file with th...
2010 Jul 27
3d topographic map [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
...know where you can obtain topographic data from rather than a canned example. There are quite a few intricacies to the process so I will go through them for you. (1) Topography files can be found in the geomapdata library. You will probably want to use the maps package too (if you want to display coastlines). If you are zoomed in on a certain area, you will probably want to use the hi res coastline data found in the mapdata package. In the following code, I have also used the mapproj library which provides the map.grid function for drawing lat/lon lines on map projections. rm(list=ls()) library(ma...
2012 Mar 14
Creating polygons from scattered points
...rbind(as.integer(rnorm(200,50,20)), as.integer(rnorm(200,100,20)), as.integer(rnorm(100,200,15))) plot(y~x) I would like to create polygons for each species distribution, where if an island is present (as I have tried to show in the example), it would be a seperate polygon, and the jagged edges of coastlines etc are maintained. I have spent ages trying to find a package that will allow me to convert scattered point distributions to polygons but haven't found anything that works, the functions I have found require the data already to be in the format where the only xy coordinates present are the o...
2007 Sep 27
Plotting from different data sources on the same plot (with ggplot2) for something specific to maps but rather for a generic mechanism to throw several pieces of data to a graph and have the plotting routine take care of setting up axes that will fit all data on the same scale. So, now for the ggplot2 part. I have two data sources: the coordinates of the coastlines in a region of interest and the coordinated of sampling stations in a subset of this region. I want to plot the coastline as a line and the stations as points, on the same graph. I can plot them independently easily: p1 = ggplot(coast,aes(x=lon,y=lat)) + geom_path() + coord_equal(ratio=1)...
2007 Nov 05
vector graphics/ SVG plots via RSvgDevice
...s good where the journal wants your graphics files separately and may not be able to deal with SVG files, or very large files. I have one caveat. It seems to me that RSvgDevice had problems writing to file when the data were unreasonably voluminous. I produced another graphic using bathymetry and coastlines recommended in the PBSmapping package. These files are high resolution and large (85 and 64 MB respectively). The plot took too long and the resulting SVG could not be loaded by Inkscape, nor converted to EPS using Image Magick (suggesting failure somewhere?). I'm not criticizing the package...
2008 Aug 02
thematic maps, missing data, gmap
...t the command grid.pack("map",USALevelPlot(states=statenames,levels=spc,,normalize=T),height=unit(1,'null')) produces a map in which Delaware's borders with New Jersey and Maryland appear (because data for the latter two states are observed) but Delaware's coastline is omitted. The result looks like there is a bay where Delaware should be. If anyone could suggest a method for drawing in the missing coastline or Delaware's complete boundary, I would be most grateful. My .R code for the map is as follows: ********Code starts here**********************...
2006 Mar 29
Plotting shapefiles on existing maps
Dear All, This is probably a very basic question but: I have plotted a map of the Barents Sea and surrounding coastline using: map('worldHires',ylim=c(50,85),xlim=c(5,65),fill=T,resolution=0) map.axes() map.scale(x=30,metric=T) Next, I imported a shapefile with depth contours for the sea: contours<-read.shape("D://My Documents/BarentsSea.shp", (This is in mercator projection). D...
2012 Dec 10
Marginal effects of ZINB models
Dear all, I am modeling the incidence of recreational anglers along a stretch of coastline, and with a vary large proportion of zeros (>80%) have chosen to use a zero inflated negative binomial (ZINB) distribution. I am using the same variables for both parts of the model, can anyone help me with R code to compute overall marginal effects of each variable? My model is specified as f...
2008 May 13
Bubble plot pie chart map
...( and used Paul Murrell's paper "Integrating Grid Graphics Output with Base Graphics Output" (in R News) to try and do this (using the gridBase package). It generally works well, except for when I try and put in the map of the coastline and the points with no zooplankton present (0 values of both plankton species). The following error comes up: "Error in gridPLT() : Figure region too small and/or viewport too large" and other errors along those lines. Can anyone suggest either what I'm doing wrong, or some other...
2012 Feb 19
parse .ps files with R?
Hi, Is there a way to parse a postscript (*.ps) file with R (or perhaps with some other command-line utility)? E.g., I have a map in postscript format with lots of features, but I just want to extract the coastline and it's coordinates. Any help very much appreciated! Cheers! Nick -- ==================================================== Nicholas J. Matzke Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Student Researcher Huelsenbeck Lab Center for Theoretical Evolutionary Genomics 4151 VLSB (Valley Life Sciences Buildin...
2007 Jul 10
Plot SpatialLinesDataFrame with xlim & ylim
...s automatically have the same scale size, even if xlim and ylim ranges differ. E.g.: tmp <- readShapeLines(filepath) plot(tmp,xlim=c(-126,-119),ylim=c(50,51)) The y-axis range is actually 47-54, same range as the x-axis. What am I doing wrong? Should I be using a different object for simple coastline & river data? Thanks in advance! Michael _______________________________________________________ Michael Folkes Salmon Stock Assessment Canadian Dept. of Fisheries & Oceans Pacific Biological Station 3190 Hammond Bay Rd. Nanaimo, B.C., Canada V9T-6N7 Ph (250) 756-7264 Fax (250) 756-7...
2013 Jul 16
Masking oceans using polypath
Hi R-help I am trying to mask the ocean from an image plot I have made. Here is some example code: library(mapdata) image(x=110:155, y =-40:-10, z = outer(1:45, 1:30, "+"), xlab = "lon", ylab = "lat") outline <- map("worldHires", plot=FALSE) # returns a list of x/y coords xrange <- range(outline$x, na.rm=TRUE) # get bounding box yrange
2007 May 22
Reducing the size of pdf graphics files produced with R
Hi, Without trying to print 1000000 points (see <http://>), I often print maps for which I do not want to loose too much of coastline detail, and/or plots with 1000-5000 points (yes, some are on top of each other, but using transparency (i.e. rgb colors with alpha information) this actually comes through as useful information. But the files are large (not as large as in the thread above of course, 800 KB to about 2 MB),...
2002 Aug 28
No subject
Hi, I'm wanting to produce a filled contour plot (easy), and overlay the Australian coastline ( ie oz(add=True)). That is, filled.contour(longs, lats, field) oz(add=T) HOWEVER, the axes of the "filled contour" and the "oz map" do not automatically align themselves with each other. ie my contours are not correctly positioned over the map. HOWEVER, if I just plot co...
2003 Aug 15
Is there a package for digitizing or reading jpegs, ets. in R?
I'm interested in digitizing some scanned time series, and looking for a solution that is easy and flexible. I thought I might be able to use R's locator() if I could get the image into a device. I noticed that there are some packages like (rimage), but it (a) doesn't seem to be available for the Windows version and forces me to upgrade a bunch of libraries for my linux system. It