Andre Zimmermann
2009-Dec-13 00:34 UTC
[R] need a solution to an R-problem: consultant available?
I am trying to get confidence bands for a non-linear power function (y=mx^b). I thought I should be able to figure it out, but can't. Are there any R consultant? I would be willing to pay some amount of money, but not sure such consultants exist. I fit power functions to lots of data, and this would be very useful. I would ideally like to have confidence bands for the mean function and a single prediction. I have posted my current Rscript below, with the location of the error noted, in addition, below the Rscript, is some example data. Let me know what you think. Cheers, Andre ###RSCIPT STARTS require(graphics) rm(list=ls()) # clears everything in working directory data = read.delim("F:/R_code/exampledata.txt") #head(data) # shows header attach(data) #attaches data to current run datasort=data[order(Stage), ] #sorts data so predicted values follow in systematic order #datasort # shows sorted data starts = list(const =0.00001, alpha = 20) fm <- nls(Discharge ~ const*Stage ^alpha, start=starts) #runs a non linear least squares regression model #predict(fm) # fitted values at observed times #summary(fm) coef=coefficients(fm) const_val=round(coef["const"],4) #makes a variable for the equation in the plot and rounds it to 4 decimal places exp_val=round(coef["alpha"],4) plot(Discharge~Stage, #xlim=c(min(Stage),max(Stage)), #sets limits of x and y axis based on max and min in data set #ylim=c(min(Discharge),max(Discharge)), xlab="Stage in East Creek", #label of X axis ylab="Discharge in East Creek Plunge Pool", # label of y axis #xaxs="i", #fits axis to exact tick mark location, not standard + 4 % #yaxs="i", log = "xy", pch=15 ) #adds a legend, exponent should really be up higher, but not sure how to do this. legend("bottomright", ,bty="n", substitute(paste("Discharge", " = ", const_val, , "Stage^",exp_val), list(const_val = const_val, exp_val=exp_val))) tt <- seq(min(Stage),max(Stage), length = 101) points(Stage,fitted.values(fm),type="l") <- sqrt(apply(attr(predict(fm,list(Stage = tt)),"gradient"),1, function(x) sum(vcov(fm)*outer(x,x)))) ###Above is where the error arrives. dim(X) must have a positive length. "gradient' data does not get created with the predict function, which is likely the source of the problem matplot(tt, predict(fm,list(Stage = tt))+ outer(,qnorm(c(.5, .025,.975))),type="l") ###example data below Discharge Stage 0.069 1.9 0.099 1.93 0.001 1.74 0.001 1.76 0.005 1.71 1.558 2.77 0.44 2.26 0.467 2.25 0.086 1.84 0.012 1.86 0.045 1.93 0.043 1.93 0.05 1.91 0.016 1.84 0.142 2.07 0.656 2.37 0.576 2.33 0.329 2.22 0.321 2.21 0.378 2.24 0.375 2.24 0.132 2.07 0.125 2.07 0.465 2.27 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]