Hi, I am having trouble with the function process.AP in the ActivPALProcessing package. Based on the detailed instruction attached by the author, it is my understanding that process.AP will use the information provided in the log of subjects to batch process AP events files saved in the working directory. Results of the batch processing will be summarized in three files: 1) Sleep Wake Wear Table, 2) Results Table and 3) Means Table. However, I have followed the directions in the attachment but have only received a few outcomes (I copied and pasted what came out from my code below.) I have checked and rechecked my files to be sure their formatting is correct and I am not sure what else to try. I e-mailed the author about a month ago but have not heard anything either. Let me know if you have some recommendations on how I can move forward. Thanks! Katie Thralls 9254139791 CODE: install.packages("activpalProcessing") library("activpalProcessing") list.files("~/Dropbox/R_code/AP_Directory/") directory <- identifyDirectory("~/Dropbox/R_code/AP_Directory/") setwd("~/Dropbox/R_code/AP_Directory/") list.files() #Here I open "log.subjects.csv" in a text editor and a return at the end of the last (only) data row. Then resave as csv. Then the error go away. See: read.csv("log.subjects.csv") read.table("log.subjects.csv") read.csv("SB_KT_1.csv") process.AP(directory,name.of.log.subjects="log.subjects",name.of.log.bed=log.bed,name.of.log.on.off=log.on.off) #no errors Output in R Console:> process.AP(directory,name.of.log.subjects="log.subjects",name.of.log.bed=log.bed,name.of.log.on.off=log.on.off)[1] 1 [1] "1" [1] "SB"