I want to th current folder is the specific folder when R start.It is very boring to modify the current directory manually. How can I do it?
Dirk Eddelbuettel
2005-Jun-06 03:16 UTC
[R] how to change the current directory to my folder.
On 6 June 2005 at 10:58, luan_sheng wrote: | I want to th current folder is the specific folder when R start.It is | very boring to modify the current directory manually. How can I do it? The first answer to > RSiteSearch("change directory") tells you about setwd() and getwd(). There *are* good help facilities available. Please use them. Hope this helps, Dirk -- Statistics: The (futile) attempt to offer certainty about uncertainty. -- Roger Koenker, 'Dictionary of Received Ideas of Statistics'