On Mon, 26 Jan 2004, Devin Johnson wrote:
> I am having trouble getting the HTML help pages to work. When I try the
> search engine I get an error on page response and nothing happens. When
> I try to click on the listed topics nothing happens. I am using both
> Mozilla and IE6 on XP and the same thing happens on each. Is there
> something I'm missing?
Did you check the rw-FAQ? It says
If the help search system does not work _at all_, this probably
indicates that Java support is either not installed or not enabled in
your browser. Recent versions of browsers have made Java support
optional: for example it is optional in Netscape 6/7 and in Opera, and
may not be installed for IE6 on Windows XP. You also need JavaScript
Marc Schwartz has already given a comprehensive Linux-oriented answer.
In my recent experience on Windows (and I have set up XP boxes three times
recently) it will work provided
Java is installed and enabled
No one has altered the default security settings.
It is unlikely that Mozilla has Java enabled unless you took steps to
install a Sun Java JRE. You can configure XP to use the Sun JRE, (in `set
Program Access and Defaults' on the start menu) but it will expect to use
the Microsoft Java VM.
As Marc says, Mozilla (and Netscape and Firebird) will show `Applet
SearchEngine started' in the bottom left corner. I didn't see such a
message in IE6. On the box I am writing this on I have just checked IE6
(fully patched), Netscape 7.1, Mozilla 1.6 and MozillaFirebird 0.7: they
all work.
My experience with Linux and Solaris is that they are much harder to set
up, and only some JRE versions work with some browsers. (For example, I
had Netscape 7.01 and Mozilla 1.4 working, but 7.1 and 1.6 required a JRE
upgrade and that did not then work with 7.01 and 1.4. Next thing the
link to the required JRE on Sun's site got broken ....)
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
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