On 05-Aug-03 vincent.stoliaroff at sgcib.com wrote:> Here is a numerical vector test
>> test
> [1] 206 53 124 112 92 77 118 75 48 176 90 74 107 126 99 84
> ...
> 89 94 69 74 99 97 91 92
> Assuming it follows a lognormal distribution I'd like to determine the
> mean and the sd thanks to maximum likelihood estimation
>> fitdistr(test,"lognormal",start=list(200,10))
> Error in print.fitdistr(structure(list(estimate = c(4.54666263736726,
> more elements supplied than there are to replace
> I chose the parameter start randomly
> I don't understand the error message. Has anybody ever encountered such
> one?
Hmmm. Not being practised with "fitdist", this took me a moment to
down. However, the clues are:
1. In ?fitdist ::
fitdistr(x, densfun, start, ...)
start: A named list giving the parameters to be optimized with
initial values. This can be omitted for some of the named
distributions (see Details) [not lognormal].
2. Hence start must be a _named_ list, i.e. its components must have
names. So the question is: what to call them?
For this you need to know what the names are for the parameters in
your designated distribution. So:
3. help.search("lognormal") -> Lognormal(base)
4. ?Lognormal ::
dlnorm(x, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, log = FALSE)
So it looks as though you need names "meanlog" and "sdlog",
so now try
with results
meanlog sdlog
4.55316203 0.38990402
(0.02866631) (0.02026545)
and it works!
The starting values "4" and "0.4" were chosen because
[1] 4.553205
[1] 0.3910148
and of course it works if you start elsewhere; but this also shows that
the naive estimate, in this case, was very good.
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at nessie.mcc.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 167 1972
Date: 05-Aug-03 Time: 13:00:07
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