Displaying 20 results from an estimated 37 matches for "fitdist".
Did you mean:
2011 Jul 26
Beta distribution- help needed
Well, i need some help, practical and theoretical. I am wondering why the
fitdistplus (mle function) is returning an error for this code:
x1 <- c(100,200,140,98,97,56,42,10,2,2,1,4,3,2,12,3,1,1,1,1,0,0);
descdist(x1, boot =1000);
y<- sum(x1);
d= as.vector(length(x1));
for(i in 1:length(x1)){
d[i] = x1[i]/y;
fitdist(d, "beta")
2012 Mar 21
Error in fitdist- mle failed to estimate parameters
I am trying fit certain data into Beta distribution. I get the error saying
"Error in fitdist(discrete_random_variable_c, "beta", start = NULL, fix.arg
= NULL) : the function mle failed to estimate the parameters, with the
error code 100"
Below is the sorted data that I am trying to fit. Where am I going wrong.
Thanks a lot for any help.
2013 Apr 09
Error when using fitdist function in R
Hello everyone,
I was trying to do some distribution fitting with a numerical field called
Tolls. The sample size = 999 rows.
Basically I assigned the Toll data to a new variable K by doing:
After that, tried to fit a gamma distribution by doing: fitG<-fitdist(k,
Then the following messages showed (oh and I checked for empty rows before
doing this):
Warning in dgamma(c(363328L, 376216L, 367032L, 314826L, 311892L, 313340L, :
NaNs produced
Warning in dgamma(c(363328L, 376216L, 367032L, 314826L, 311892L, 313340L, :
NaNs produced
2010 Jul 12
exercise in frustration: applying a function to subsamples
...script to analyze all my data (I have
reduced it to a couple hundred thousand records with about half a dozen
I get the same result from ddply and split/lapply:
> ddply(moreinfo,c("m_id","sale_year","sale_week"),
> + function(df) data.frame(res = fitdist(df$elapsed_time,"exp"),est =
> res$estimate,sd = res$sd))
> Error in fitdist(df$elapsed_time, "exp") :
> data must be a numeric vector of length greater than 1
> lapply(split(moreinfo,list(moreinfo$m_id,moreinfo$sale_year,moreinfo$sale_week)),
2020 Oct 21
Fitting Mixed Distributions in the fitdistrplus package
Dear Sirs,
The below listed code fits a gamma and a pareto distribution to a data set
danishuni. However the distributions are not appropriate to fit both tails
of the data set hence a mixed distribution is required which has ben
defined as "mixgampar"
as shown below.
x<- danishuni$Loss
fgam<- fitdist(x,"gamma",lower=0)
fpar<- fitdist(x,"pareto",start = list(shape=2,scale=2),lower=0)
fmixgampar<- fitdist(x,"mixgampar",start =
Error in fitdist(x, "mixgampa...
2012 Jan 20
fit Johnson Sb with fitdist(method="mme")
Dear R-helpers,
I am trying to fit my data to a 4-parameter lognormal distribution (aka
Johnson Sb dist) with fitdist function from the library(fitdistrplus). So
far, I have learnt that with "mle" method it's not always possible to
estimate the gamma and delta parameters even if the bounding estimates are
Therefore, I tried to fit it with the "mme" me...
2018 Jan 29
Result show the values of fitting gamma parameter
Let say I have data by two columns A and B, and I have fit each column using the gamma distribution by 'fitdist' . I just want the result show only the shape and rate only.
A <-c(1,2,3,4,5)
C <-cbind(A,B)
apply(C, 2, fitdist, "gamma")
Output show like this:
Fitting of the distribution ' gamma ' by maximum likelihood
2020 Oct 24
Fitting Mixed Distributions in the fitdistrplus package
Dear Charles,
Please, when you have questions about fitdistrplus, contact directly the authors of the package and not R-help.
When fitting non ? standard ? distributions with fitdistrplus, you should define by yourself the density and the cumulative distribution functions, or load a package which define them.
See FAQ for a general example : https://cran.r...
2011 May 20
outout clarification of fitdist {fitdistrplus} output
I like to fit data against a negative binominal distribution
I receive the following result:
Fitting of the distribution ' nbinom ' by maximum likelihood
Parameters :
estimate Std. Error
size 0.3397148 0.03775577
mu 1.7787630 0.16429774
2012 Feb 15
Parameter estimation of gamma distribution
I am trying to estiamte parameters for gamma distribution using mle for
below data using fitdist & fitdistr functions which are from "fitdistrplus"
& "MASS"packages . I am getting errors for both functions. Can someone
please let me know how to overcome this issue??
c(256656, 76376, 6467673, 46446, 3400, 3100, 5760, 4562, 8000, 512, 4545,
4562, 4645, 4...
2018 Jan 29
Result show the values of fitting gamma parameter
Capture the results of the apply command into an object and then work with
that. Here is one way to do it:
> res <- apply(C, 2, fitdist, "gamma")
> out <- c( res$A$estimate["shape"], res$B$estimate["shape"],
res$A$estimate["rate"], res$B$estimate["rate"])
> names(out) <- c("A shape","B shape","A rate","B Rate")
> print(out)
2009 Sep 19
generic methods - in particular the summary function
Hi all,
I'm currently working on the fitdistrplus package (that basically fit
distributions). There is something I do not understand about the
generic function summary.
In the current version on CRAN, there is no NAMESPACE saying
S3method(summary, fitdist)
However if we use summary on an object send by fitdist function it
works fin...
2010 Oct 03
Johnson Distribution Fit
I am trying to fit a Johnson SB distribution using fitdist function in
fitdistrplus Library. I have defined the Johnson SB distribution from (
http://www.ntrand.com/johnson-sb-distribution/) . But it gives me the
follwing errors. Any help would be appreciated
#xi = xi
#lambda =l
#delta =d
#gamma = g
djohn = function(x,xi,l,d,g)
2011 Aug 01
Beta fit returns NaNs
sorry for repeating the question but this is kind of important to me and i
don't know whom should i ask.
So as noted before when I do a parameter fit to the beta distr i get:
Fitting of the distribution ' beta ' by maximum likelihood
estimate Std. Error
shape1 2.148779 0.1458042
shape2 810.067515 61.8608126
Warning messages:
1: In dbeta(x, shape1, shape2, log) : NaNs produced
2: In dbeta(x, shape1, shape2, log...
2010 Jul 15
How do I combine lists of data.frames into a single data frame?
The data.frame is constructed by one of the following functions:
funweek <- function(df)
if (length(df$elapsed_time) > 5) {
rv = fitdist(df$elapsed_time,"exp")
rv$year = df$sale_year[1]
rv$sample = df$sale_week[1]
rv$granularity = "week"
funmonth <- function(df)
if (length(df$elapsed_time) > 5) {
rv = fitdist(df$elapsed_time,"exp")
rv$year = df$sale_year[1]
2010 Jul 16
I need help making a data.fame comprised of selected columns of an original data frame.
...TEDIFF(return_date,sale_date) AS elapsed_time FROM
`merchants2`.`risk_input` WHERE DATEDIFF(return_date,sale_date) IS NOT
moreinfo <- dbGetQuery(con, x)
I then made the data frame I want to use as follows:
fun_m_id <- function(df)
if (length(df$elapsed_time) > 5) {
rv = fitdist(df$elapsed_time,"exp")
rv$mid = df$m_id[1]
aaa <- lapply(split(moreinfo,list(moreinfo$m_id),drop = TRUE), fun_m_id)
m_id_default_res <- do.call(rbind, aaa)
At this point, each row in m_id_default_res corresponds to one data.frame
produced by fitdist. When I print it...
2011 Oct 06
apply and functions with many arguments
Dear all,
I would like to use the following function
fitdist(data, distr, method=c("mle", "mme", "qme", "mge"),
start=NULL, fix.arg=NULL, ...)
for many different distr values like distr=c("norm","lnorm","pois") (just a small example)
and take back into a list the parameter name which is...
2005 May 18
'fitdistr' and two views of the same data?
I have detailed (with pictures and whatnot) my question on my weblog at
The short version of the question is this:
When I ask 'fitdistr' to try and fit my distribution as a "weibull"
distribution, it comes up with some rather wacky parameters.
If I take the same distribution, and do something like
newdist <- mapply(function(x) ((x %/% 20) + 1), origdist)
which effectively forces the data into a histogram, '...
2012 Sep 11
Strange result from GAMLSS
Hi Folks! Just started using the gamlss package and I tried a simple code
example (see below). Why the negative sigma?
> y <- rt(100, df=1)> m1<-fitDist(y, type="realline")Warning messages:1: In MLE(ll3, start = list(eta.mu = eta.mu, eta.sigma = eta.sigma, :
possible convergence problem: optim gave code=1 false convergence
(8)2: In MLE(ll4, start = list(eta.mu = eta.mu, eta.sigma = eta.sigma,
possible convergence problem: optim ga...
2011 Mar 15
fitting a distribution to a ecdf plot
Dear all,
I need to plot an cumulative distribution plot of a variable and then to fit a distribution to that, probably a weibull or lognormal.
I have plotted the ecdf as
> plot(ecdf(x))
but I haven't managed to fit the distribution. I have as well attached the data.
I would appreciate if you could help me on that.
Thank you.
Kind regards
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