Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "error message in fitdistr"
2003 Jul 25
named list 'start' in fitdistr
Hi R lovers!
I'd like to know how to use the parameter 'start' in the function
obviously I have to provide the initial value of the parameter to optimize
except in the case of a certain set of given distribution
Indeed according to the help file for fitdistr
" For the following named distributions, reasonable starting values
will be computed if `start'
2002 Dec 10
Lognormal distribution
I am trying to fit a lognormal distribution to a set of data and test its
goodness of fit with regard to predicted values.
I managed to get so far:
> y <- c(2,6,2,3,6,7,6,10,11,6,12,9,15,11,15,8,9,12,6,5)
> library(MASS)
> fitdistr(y,"lognormal",start=list(meanlog=0.1,sdlog=0.1))
meanlog sdlog
1.94810515 0.57091032
(0.12765945) (0.09034437)
But I would
2005 Jun 29
MLE with optim
I tried to fit a lognormal distribution by using optim. But sadly the output
seems to be incorrect.
Who can tell me where the "bug" is?
test = rlnorm(100,5,3)
logL = function(parm, x,...) -sum(log(dlnorm(x,parm,...)))
start = list(meanlog=5, sdlog=3)
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2011 Jun 07
R results explanation
Hi all,
this might be a stupid question, but still.
Everytime i find some new function it's prettty easy to understand how to
use the syntax and to perform a text. Even the general idea of what the
function does is pretty easy to understand, but i can not find an
explanation (detailed explanation) of the R output for each function. For
example, a function fitdistr() in MASS package i
2004 May 01
Generating Lognormal Random variables (PR#6843)
Full_Name: Anthony Gichangi
Version: 1.90
OS: Windows XP Pro
Submission from: (NULL) (
The function rlnorm generates negative values for lognormal distribution.
x- rlnorm(1000, meanlog = 0.6931472, sdlog = 1)
2009 Feb 11
Generating Numbers With Certain Distribution in R
Dear all,
Is there a way to generate K numbers of integer (K = 10^6).
The maximum value of the integer is 200,000 and minimum is 1.
And the occurrences of this integer follows
a lognormal distribution.
- Gundala Viswanath
Jakarta - Indonesia
2003 Aug 28
Dear All
I am trying to replicate a numerical application (not computed on R) from an
article. Using, ks.test() I computed the exact D value shown in the article
but the p-values I obtain are quite different from the one shown in the
The tests are performed on a sample of 37 values (please see "[0] DATA"
below) for truncated Exponential, Pareto and truncated LogNormal
2014 Oct 15
Test K-S con distribuciones LogNormales
Hola Ruben,
Sí precisamente es lo que comentas, en matemáticas no se suele llamar
bucketización (este término se emplea más en informática) sino datos
agrupados. Pero la idea es la que tu mismo dices.
Respecto a las gráficas que has puesto, me han aclarado mucho sobre el
tema, gracias.
Si realizo lo mismo, por ejemplo con nbucket=1000 sigo obteniendo un
p-valor de 1. Es decir, que casi le
2007 Mar 28
fitting data with conditions
Mich besch?ftig folgende Fragestellung. Ich kenne die Verteilung
(lognormal) zus?tzlich weiss ich das 99%, das 90% und das 1% Quantil.
Gibt es in R eine M?glichkeit die Lognormalverteilung zu finden, das
heisst den korrespondierenden logmean und logsd?
Vielen Dank f?r ihre Hilfe
2002 Jul 12
Minor bug in dlnorm (PR#1781)
The density of a lognormal should be 0 for negative arguments, but
> dlnorm(-1)
[1] NaN
Warning message:
NaNs produced in: dlnorm(x, meanlog, sdlog, log)
A simple fix is to change dlnorm's definition to:
function (x, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, log = FALSE)
.Internal(dlnorm(x*(x>0), meanlog, sdlog, log))
It might be faster to put the same sort of adjustment into the
internal code, but
2007 Oct 03
offset in survreg
I have a question regarding the use of an offset term with survreg(),
in the Survival library. In particular, I am trying to figure out on
what scale the offset term should be.
Here's a simple example with no censoring and no coefficients:
y = rlnorm(1000, meanlog = 10, sdlog = 2)
delta = rep(1, 1000)
int = rep(1, 1000)
survreg(Surv(y,delta)~offset(10*int), dist =
2009 Apr 04
threshold distribution
Dear ALL
I have a list of data below
0.80010 0.72299 0.69893 0.99597 0.89200 0.69312 0.73613 1.13559
0.85009 0.85804 0.73324 1.04826 0.84002
1.76330 0.71980 0.89416 0.89450 0.98670 0.83571 0.73833 0.66549
0.93641 0.80418 0.95285 0.76876 0.82588
1.09394 1.00195 1.14976 0.80008 1.11947 1.09484 0.81494 0.68696
0.82364 0.84390 0.71402 0.80293 1.02873
all of them are ninty.
Nowaday, i try to find a
2008 May 04
Is my understanding of rlnorm correct?
rlnorm takes two 'shaping' parameters: meanlog and sdlog.
meanlog would appear from the documentation to be the log of the mean.
eg if the desired mean is 1 then meanlog=0.
So to generate random values that fit a lognormal distribution I would
do this:
rlnorm(N , meanlog = log(mean) , sdlog = log(sd))
But when I check the mean I don't get it when sdlog>0. Interestingly I
2012 May 22
Need to help to get value for bigger calculation
Hello R-Experts,
I want to calculate values like 15^200 or 17^300 in R. In normal case it can calculate the small values of b (a^b). I have fixed width = 10000 and digits = 22 but still answers are Inf.
How to deal the cases like these? Thanks in advance.
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2009 May 31
Bug in truncgof package?
Dear R-helpers,
I was testing the truncgof CRAN package, found something that looked
like a bug, and did my job: contacted the maintainer. But he did not
reply, so I am resending my query here.
I installed package truncgof and run the example for function ad.test. I
got the following output:
treshold <- 10
xc <- rlnorm(100, 2, 2) # complete sample
xt <- xc[xc >=
2008 Apr 01
set the lower bound of normal distribution to 0 ?
Tom Cohen <tom.cohen78@yahoo.se> skrev: Thanks Prof Brian for your suggestion.
I should know that for right-skewed data,
one should generate the samples from a lognormal.
My problem is that x and y are two instruments that were thought to
be measured the same thing but somehow show a wide confidence interval
of the difference between the two intruments.This may be true that
2005 Jan 07
I 've a problem to have a lognorm distribution with
mean=1 and var (or sigma)=1.
.... ?
Can you help me?
2003 Apr 09
plotting the lognormal density curve
I am trying to plot a lognormal density curve on top of an existing
histogram. Can anybody suggest a simple way to do this? Even if someone
could just explain how to plot a regular normal density curve on top of an
existing histogram, it would be a big help.
Also, is there some way to search through the R-help archives other than
simple browsing?
Thank you so much. Your help and time is greatly
2013 May 10
rlnorm(n, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)
Hi list,
Does anyone know the code behind rlnorm(n, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)? I am
going to write it in c#.
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2012 Jul 02
Fitting and Plotting the fitted distributions
Dear all,
I have wrote some sample code that would allow me easier fit fast many distributions and check which of the fits performs better. My sample code (that you can of course execute it looks like that)
distrList<-list( "exponential", "geometric", "log-normal", "normal",