On 03.10.2012 17:51, yiyiwang wrote:> Dear all
> I used R2WinBUGS package's bugs() function to generate MCMC results.
Then I
> tried to save the simulation draws in R, using read.bugs() function. Here
> a simple test:
> ######################
> library(coda)
> library(R2WinBUGS)
> #fake some data to test
> beta0=1
> beta1=1.5
> beta2=-1
> beta3=2
> N=200
> x1=rnorm(N, mean=0,sd=1)
> x2=rnorm(N, mean=0,sd=1)
> x3=rnorm(N, mean=0,sd=1)
> lambda2= exp(beta0+ beta1*x1+ beta2 * x2 + beta3 * x3)
> y=rep(NA,N)
> for (i in 1: N) {
> y[i]=rpois(1,lambda2[i])
> }
> #generate inputs required by winbugs
> data <- list(Y20=y,x1=x1, x2=x2, x3=x3, N=N)
> inits<- function(){
> list(beta0=0, beta1=0, beta2=0, beta3=0)}
> parameters <- c("beta0", "beta1", "beta2",
> #call winbugs using bugs() function
> model <- bugs(data, inits, parameters,
> model.file="C:/Jinmodel/test_codes/model_poisson.txt",
> n.iter=30, n.burnin=0,n.thin=1, codaPkg=TRUE, DIC=TRUE, debug=TRUE,
> bugs.directory="C:/Users/Yiyi/Desktop/winbugs14/WinBUGS14")
> ###########################################
> I can get pretty good traceplots & parameter estimate outputs in
> However, when I switched back to the R Console (by pressing ESC key)
.... which is the explanation. Just close WinBUGS regularly rather than
interrupting the R function that executes WinBUGS and waits for its results.
You may also want to update to a recent version of R.
Uwe Ligges
> , a> warning message occurred:
> Warning message:
> running command
> /par
"C:/Users/Yiyi/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmpgdvr4Z/script.txt"' had
status 93
> I ignored this message & typed in the following code to save the
> into R:
> ###################
> myres <- read.bugs(model)
> ####################
> An error message occurred: Error in is.vector(X) : object 'model'
not found
> I've been trying to solve this mystery for several weeks but
couldn't make
> any breakthough.
> Any suggestions are highly appreciated!
> Best,
> Yiyi
> p.s. 0) the program is running in a Windows 7 Home Premium, 64-bit
> system machine.
> R version: 2.13.2, WinBUGS 14
> 1) some old posts suggest running the software as the administrator
> (to kill the warning message). Can anyone shed more light on how to log in
> as the administrator? I am the sole user of my own laptop, not using the
> pc's at my office. So I doubt administrator is the issue.
> 2) The second time I run the bugs() function, no warning message of
> status 93 emerged.
> 3) perhaps the warning message & the error message are somehow
> related??
> --
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