Displaying 20 results from an estimated 217 matches for "winbugs".
2006 Jan 16
Current state of support for BUGS access for Linux users?
I'm going to encourage some students to try Bayesian ideas for
hierarchical models.
I want to run the WinBUGS and R examples in Tony Lancaster's An
Introduction to Modern Bayesian Econometrics. That features MS
Windows and "bugs" from R2WinBUGS.
Today, I want to ask how people are doing this in Linux? I have found
a plethora of possibilities, some of which are not quite ready, some
of which...
2007 Nov 23
R2winBUGS & WinBUGS gui
I am trying to figure out if it is possible to run winBUGS from within
R, using R2winBUGS, without having winBUGS spawn any windows (basically
- 'true' batch - no GUI actions at all). The reason being I have a
machine which I (and several others) ssh/telnet into, and would like to
run winBUGS without having to mount a virtual desktop of any kin...
2010 Aug 31
Can WinBUGS run two processes through R at the same time?
Dear all,
I want to run two winBugs process through R (by R2WinBUGS package).
The first WinBUGS process can successfully perform under R.
The error message appears while I put the code to run for the second
The error message:
Error in file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) :
cannot open the connection
2006 Apr 05
R2WinBUGS error
Dear R-help,
I'm using the R2WinBUGS package and getting an error message:
Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open file 'codaIndex.txt', reason 'No such file or
I'm using R 2.2.1 and WinBUGS 1.4.1 on a windows...
2012 Jan 16
Saving WinBugs log file when using bugs()
I am very new to R and Winbugs. I have been provided with a code that runs
Winbugs from R. The code runs 60 different models and I would like to
either save the Winbugs log file for each of these or reproduce the WinBugs
plots which show convergence over the iterations.I can do this by using
Debug=true and saving manually each t...
2009 Oct 23
Connecting to winbugs from R
I'm having trouble running a script within winbugs when calling winbugs from
Here are a few lines from the winbugs log:
cannot open
2012 Feb 01
problem working directory WinBUGS using R
I am trying to use WinBUGS using R, but i am having some problems using
bugs function:
out <- bugs(data = win.data, inits = inits, parameters.to.save = params,
model.file = "model.txt",
n.thin = nt, n.chains = nc, n.burnin = nb, n.iter = ni, debug = TRUE, DIC =
TRUE, working.directory = getwd())
2011 Oct 20
Are they fully identical: WinBUGS and OpenBUGS; R2WinBUGS and R2OpenBUGS
Hello ALL!
I am running Linux, Fedora 15 64-bits, and R on it. I need to use
WinBUGS and R2WinBUGS, but as far as I read, WinBUGS is closed project,
to be continued with/as OpenBUGS. Thus, I have found R2OpenBUGS on
OpenBUGS Contributed Code (http://openbugs.info/w/UserContributedCode),
not on CRAN. Author(s) states that it is equivalent for R2WinBUGS. I
tried briefly, and realized...
2008 Aug 22
WinBUGS with R
Dear Users,
I am new to both of things, so do not blame me too much...
I am busy with semiparametric regression and use WinBUGS to sample
The code to call Winbugs is as follows:
data <- list("y","X","n","m") #My variables
inits.beta <- rep(0,K)
inits.beta0 <- 0
inits <- function(){list(beta=inits.beta,beta0=inits.beta0,taueps=1.0E-3)}
parameters <- list...
2009 Feb 17
How to connect R and WinBUGS/OpenBUGS/LinBUGS in Linux in Feb. 2009
Hi all,
I've managed to get JAGS working on my Ubuntu Hardy Linux with a 32-bit
computer and AMD processors using R 2.8.1. JAGS is great. I've read that
JAGS is the fastest, but that hasn't been my experience. At any rate, I
have more experience with WinBUGS under Windows and would like a version of
that working as well.
It seems like I've read a lot on the subject and tried a lot, but haven't
managed to get BUGS to work yet. The most success I've had is to install
WinBUGS or OpenBUGS using this method:
2012 Oct 03
Errors when saving output from WinBUGS to R
Dear all
I used R2WinBUGS package's bugs() function to generate MCMC results. Then I
tried to save the simulation draws in R, using read.bugs() function. Here is
a simple test:
#fake some data to test
x1=rnorm(N, mean=0,sd=1...
2008 Feb 15
question about calling winbugs in R
Dear All:
Do you have any experience on calling winbugs in R enviorment? I uploaded R2winbgus, pktools, BRugs, ect. in order to call winbugs. In the end, I try to use bugs(). The error message still displays that bugs() can not find.
Do you have any similar issue? If so, could you give your advice?
Many Thanks!
[[alternative HTML version d...
2012 Jan 26
Workshop on Bayesian methods and WinBUGS. One week to go!
Workshop on Bayesian methods and WinBUGS
A two-day workshop on Bayesian methods is being held on Friday 3 - Saturday 4 February 2012 at the University of Sydney.
This course is suitable for graduate students, academics, researchers and professionals who wish to introduce themselves in the applica...
2012 Mar 06
I have a problem with Winbugs.
The code is executed perfectly, the only problem is that the stats option
isn't available (grey color) and i don't know how to make it work.
Maybe if i run the winbugs throug R i will be able to get stats results?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Winbugs-t...
2009 Jun 04
Using WinBUGS from R: A Multi-Way Array Problem
Please suggest a way out to the following problem.
I have a T by n data matrix (say Y) where coulmns are time series of length
To do some analysis in WinBUGS I need to construct my data as follows.
yy<-rep(Y,k) ## this will be a vector
Yk<-array(yy,dim=c(T,n,k)) ## data array
Here the definition of dim indices is
first index: T rows
second index: n columns
third index: for kth T by n array
Y<-matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6), ncol=...
2012 Aug 30
Which BUGS should one use?
Hello ALL!
Some times ago I started to learn and play with Bayesian stuffs. Many
advice use of WinBUGS for Bayesian inference Using Gibbs Sampler.
However, WinBUGS is discontinued, and now, development is under
OpenBUGS. I wasn't lazy, so I installed both and tried out. In more than
90% of cases they give comparable outcome. But in few cases I got
substantial differences. Recently, I read nice t...
2008 Jun 25
dgamma in WinBUGS and JAGS (rjags)
In WinBUGS 1.4 manual
(http://www.mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk/bugs/winbugs/manual14.pdf), the gamma
density is presented as dgamma(r,mu) where r and mu are the shape and
rate parameters, respectively. In JAGS (rjags) manual version 1.0.2,
May 9, 2008 (http://www-fis.iarc.fr/~martyn/software/jags/jags_user_manual.pdf),...
2009 Oct 03
Winbugs under R's error message
Dear R lists,
I ran Winbugs under R. I could get the results, but I kept getting the error messages:
Error in file(con, "wb") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In file.create(to[okay]) :
cannot create file 'c...
2005 Jul 27
error message running R2WinBUGS
*Dear R-user,
I try to run Winbugs from R using bugs function in R2WinBUGS.My model works
well in Winbugs except that I can't get DIC. Since I don't need DIC, when I
try to run Winbugs from R , I set "DIC=FALSE". My model is as following:
model {
for (i in 1:N) {
for(j in 1 : T ) {
x[i, j] ~ dbin(p[i, j],n[i])
2012 Jul 09
R to winbugs interface
Hello everyone,
I need some help regarding calling WinBUGS from R. I
have a model for WinBUGS and an R code which calls WinBUGS. On running the
code I am being shown the error message :
Error in file(con, "wb") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In file.create(to[okay]) :
cannot create file 'c:/Program