search for: lambda2

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2009 May 16
maxLik pakage
...-&n\log\Gamma(\frac{\nu}{2})-\frac{\nu+1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\log(1+\frac{(x_i-\xi)^2}{\omega^2\nu})+\sum_{i=1}^{n}\log\Phi(\lambda_1\frac{(x_i-\xi)}{\sqrt{\omega^2+\lambda_2(x_i-\xi)^2}}) \end{eqnarray*} ############## G2StNV178<-function(a){ require(maxLik) II=0 nu<-(a[1]) lambda1<-a[2] lambda2<-a[3] ksi<-a[4] omega<-a[5] II<-log(prod((2*dt((x-ksi)/omega,nu)*pnorm((lambda1*(x-ksi)/omega)/sqrt(1+lambda2*((x-ksi)/omega)^2)))/omega)) II } ########definition of gradient  function gradlik<- function(a){ nu<-a[1] lambda1<-a[2] lambda2<-a[3] ksi<-a[4] omega<-a[5] ...
2009 Jan 05
transform R to C
Dear R users, i would like to transform the following function from R-code to C-code and call it from R in order to speed up the computation because in my other functions this function is called many times. `dgcpois` <- function(z, lambda1, lambda2) { `f1` <- function(alpha, lambda1, lambda2) return(exp(log(lambda1) * (alpha - 1) - lambda2 * lgamma(alpha))) `f2` <- function(lambda1, lambda2) return(integrate(f1, lower=1, upper=Inf, lambda1=lambda1, lambda2=lambda2)$value) return(exp(log(lambda1) * z - lambda2 * lga...
2006 Jul 07
convert ms() to optim()
...quot; function is also attached. ms(~ Calc(a.init, B, v, off, d, P.a, lambda.a, P.y, lambda.y, 10^(-8), FALSE, 20, TRUE)$Bic, start = list(lambda.a = 0.5, lambda.y = 240), control = list(maxiter = 10, tol = 0.1)) Calc <- function(A.INIT., X., V., OFF., D., P1., LAMBDA1., P2., LAMBDA2., TOL., MONITOR., MAX.ITER., TRACE.){ lambda1 <- abs(LAMBDA1.) lambda2 <- abs(LAMBDA2.) P <- lambda1 * P1. + lambda2 * P2. a <- Estimate(A.INIT., X., V., OFF., D., P, TOL., MONITOR., MAX.ITER.) Ita <- OFF. + X. %*% a Mu <- c(exp(Ita)) Wt <- Mu * V. Bt.W.B &l...
2008 Sep 11
Loop for the convergence of shape parameter
...0,1) k<-c(3,2,2,2) x<-c(0.5,0.5,1.0,1.0) % estimate lambda (lambda=beta0+beta1*x) GLM_results <- glm(r/k ~ x, family=binomial(link='cloglog'), offset=log(verpi),weights=k) beta0<-GLM_results$coefficients[[1]] beta1]<-GLM_results$coefficients[[2]] lambda1<-beta0+beta1*x[1] lambda2<-beta0+beta1*x[2] % using lambda, estimate alpha (a=alpha) through ML estimation L<-function(a){ s1_f1<-(exp(-lambda1*(0^a-0^a))-exp(-lambda1*(5^a-0^a))) s2_f2<-(exp(-lambda1*(10^a)-lambda2*(14^a-10^a+14^a-14^a)) -exp(-lambda1*(10^a)-lambda2*(14^a-10^a+18^a-14^a))) logl<-log...
2008 Jul 25
transcript a matlab code in R
...following : ======================================================================================= local.whittle <- function(d, x, m) { n <- length(x) t <- matrix(c(0:n1), nrow = n, ncol=1) lambda <- (2*pi*t)/n wx <- (2*pi*n)^(-1/2)*Conj(fft( Conj(x)))*exp(1i*lambda) M1 <- m+1 lambda2 <- lambda[2:M1] wx2 <- wx[2:M1] ix <- wx2*Conj(wx2) g <- mean((lambda2^(2*d))*ix) r <- log(mean((lambda2^(2*d))*ix)) - 2*d*mean(log(lambda2)) } ======================================================================================= which seems to run, but when I am trying to call t...
2008 Sep 19
Error: function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters
I have an error for a simple optimization problem. Is there anyone knowing about this error? lambda1=-9 lambda2=-6 L<-function(a){ s2i2f<-(exp(-lambda1*(250^a)-lambda2*(275^a-250^a)) -exp(-lambda1*(250^a)-lambda2*(300^a-250^a))) logl<-log(s2i2f) return(-logl)} optim(1,L) Error in optim(1, L) : function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters Thank you in advance -- View this message in c...
2008 Sep 12
Error in "[<-"(`*tmp*`, i, value = numeric(0)) :
...ollowing: 1) with alpha=0, estimate lambda (estimate beta0 and beta1 via GLM) 2) with lambda, estimate alpha via ML estimation 3) with updated alpha, replicate 1) and 2) until alpha is converged to a value My source code is alpha=rep(1,100) beta0=rep(0,100) beta1=rep(0,100) lambda1=rep(0,100) lambda2=rep(0,100) verpi=rep(0,100) L=rep(0,100) alpha[0]=1 i=1 while(i<=100){ repeat{ verpi[i]<-c(5^alpha[i-1],10^alpha[i-1]-5^alpha[i-1],14^alpha[i-1]-10^alpha[i-1],18^alpha[i-1]-14^alpha[i-1]) r<-c(1,0,0,1) k<-c(3,2,2,2) x<-c(0.5,0.5,1.0,1.0) GLM_results <- glm(r/k ~ x, family=binom...
2009 Oct 14
different L2 regularization behavior between lrm, glmnet, and penalized?
...;, lambda = 1, alpha = 0, standardize = FALSE) > coef(g) 1 -0.1098361 x 0.2196721 > library(penalized) > fit = penalized(z ~ x) > coefficients(fit, "all") (Intercept) x -0.2224843 0.4449687 > fit = penalized(z ~ x, lambda2 = 1) > coefficients(fit, "all") (Intercept) x -0.2060658 0.4121315 > sessionInfo() R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_Unit...
2011 Jun 14
How to generate bivariate exponential distribution?
Any one know is there any package or function to generate bivariate exponential distribution? I gusee there should be three parameters, two rate parameters and one correlation parameter. I just did not find any function available on R. Any suggestion is appreciated. -- View this message in context:
2011 Apr 11
pseudo-R by hand however, I'm not sure wheter mle helps me at all and I am uncertain about the logLik call I have implemented: #cox&snell lambda<- -2*log((logLik(null.model)[1]/logLik(model)[1])) out<-1-exp(-lambda/n) #nagelkerke lambda<- -2*log( logLik(model)[1]/logLik(null.model)[1] ) lambda2<- -2*log( logLik(model)[1] ) out<-(1-exp(-lambda/n))/(1-exp(-lambda2/n)) can anyone help me out?
2005 Dec 09
O-ring statistic
...n dataset 'amacrine' provided in the spatstat package. The dataset has points of two types labelled "on" and "off". data(amacrine) K12 <- Kcross(amacrine, "on", "off") g12 <- pcf(K12, method="d", spar=0.7) lambda2 <- summary(amacrine)$marks["off","intensity"] Oring <- eval.fv(lambda2 * g12) plot(Oring, ylab="Oring(r)") regards Adrian Baddeley
2001 Sep 14
Supply linear constrain to optimizer
...ponential distributions using maximum likelihood based on the example given in MASS. So far I had much success in fitting two components. The problem started when I tried to extend the procedure to fit three components. More specifically, likelihood = sum( ln(c1*exp(-x/lambda1)/lambda1 + c2*exp(-x/lambda2)/lambda2 + (1-c1-c2)*exp(-x/lambda3)/lambda3) ) I've used optimizers such as ms and nlminb (SPLUS 5.0 for UNIX), and provided parameters constrains (0 <= c1, c2 <= 1) to nlminb via lower and upper. But these constrains provide no protection for (1-c1-c2) being between interval [0,1], whi...
2023 Aug 27
Query on finding root
On Fri, 25 Aug 2023 22:17:05 +0530 ASHLIN VARKEY <ashlinvarkey at> wrote: > Sir, Please note that r-help is a mailing list, not a knight! ?? > I want to solve the equation Q(u)=mean, where Q(u) represents the > quantile function. Here my Q(u)=(c*u^lamda1)/((1-u)^lamda2), which is > the quantile function of Davies (Power-pareto) distribution. Hence I > want to
2010 Oct 25
penalized regression analysis to understand is where do I get the variance explained information from and how do I determine the relative importance of the 4 variables selected? It does not appear to be a part of the penalized procedure. I submit the final call to 'penalized' with the estimated values of lambda1 and lambda2 > fitfinal <- penalized(CHAB~.,data=chabun,lambda1=356.0856,lambda2=3.458605,model = "linear",steps=1,standardize = TRUE) # nonzero coefficients: 5 > fitfinal Penalized linear regression object 10 regression coefficients of which 5 are non-zero Loglikelihood = -154.1055 L1...
2017 Oct 31
lasso and ridge regression to adapt "glmnet" to accomplish our task. The extract of the code used is reproduced as follows; cv.ridge<- glmnet(x, y, family="gaussian", alpha=0, lambda=lambda1, standardize=TRUE) cv.lasso<- glmnet(x, y, family="gaussian", alpha=1, lambda=lambda2, standardize=TRUE) ##weight a=1/abs(matrix(coef(cv.ridge, s=lambda1)[, 1][2:(ncol(x)+1)] ))^1 b=1/abs(matrix(coef(cv.lasso, s=lambda2)[, 1][2:(ncol(x)+1)] ))^1 c=a*b w4 <-a+b+c w4[w4[,1] == Inf] <- 9 # Fit modified procedure fit<- glmnet(x, y, family...
2012 Oct 03
Errors when saving output from WinBUGS to R
...lts. Then I tried to save the simulation draws in R, using read.bugs() function. Here is a simple test: ###################### library(coda) library(R2WinBUGS) #fake some data to test beta0=1 beta1=1.5 beta2=-1 beta3=2 N=200 x1=rnorm(N, mean=0,sd=1) x2=rnorm(N, mean=0,sd=1) x3=rnorm(N, mean=0,sd=1) lambda2= exp(beta0+ beta1*x1+ beta2 * x2 + beta3 * x3) y=rep(NA,N) for (i in 1: N) { y[i]=rpois(1,lambda2[i]) } #generate inputs required by winbugs data <- list(Y20=y,x1=x1, x2=x2, x3=x3, N=N) inits<- function(){ list(beta0=0, beta1=0, beta2=0, beta3=0)} parameters <- c("beta0", "b...
2008 Dec 16
[LLVMdev] Another compiler shootout
...d), disc = b*b - dot(v, v) + r*r, t1, t2; if (disc < 0.0) return INFINITY; disc = sqrt(disc); t2 = b + disc; if (t2 < 0.0) return INFINITY; t1 = b - disc; return (t1 > 0.0 ? t1 : t2); } void intersect(Vec o, Vec d, real *lambda, struct Scene **t, struct Scene *scene) { real lambda2 = ray_sphere(o, d, scene->center, scene->radius); if (lambda2 < *lambda) { if (scene->child) { int i; for (i=0; i<5; ++i) intersect(o, d, lambda, t, &scene->child[i]); } else { *lambda = lambda2; *t = scene; } } } Vec neglight;...
2009 Oct 30
different L2 regularization behavior between lrm, glmnet, and penalized? (original question)
...n unit second central moment. In your example: x = c(-2, -2, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3) z = c(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1) You got: > g = lrm(z ~ x, penalty = 1) > g$coefficients Intercept x -0.1620727 0.3241454 Now: > coef(penalized(z ~ x, lambda2 = 1,standardize=T)) (Intercept) x -0.1651565 0.3303130 is already more similar. To counter the difference between dividing by n (penalized) or n-1 (lrm), do > coef(penalized(z ~ x, lambda2 = 14/13,standardize=T)) (Intercept) x -0.1620727 0.3241454 The glmn...
2007 Aug 14
State Space Modelling
Hey all, I am trying to work under a State Space form, but I didn't get the help exactly. Have anyone eles used this functions? I was used to work with S-PLUS, but I have some codes I need to adpt. Thanks alot, Bernardo [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Dec 16
[LLVMdev] Another compiler shootout
FYI. If anyone is motivated, please file bugs for the losing cases. Also, it might make sense to incorporate the tests into our nightly tester test suite. Thanks, Evan