CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * disclapmix (0.1) Maintainer: Mikkel Meyer Andersen Author(s): Mikkel Meyer Andersen and Poul Svante Eriksen License: GPL-2 disclapmix makes inference in a mixture of Discrete Laplace distributions using the EM algorithm. * EstSimPDMP (1.1) Maintainer: Unknown Author(s): Romain Azais License: GPL (>= 2) This package deals with the estimation of the jump rate for piecewise-deterministic Markov processes (PDMPs), from only one observation of the process within a long time. The main functions provide an estimate of this function. The state space may be discrete or continuous. The associated paper is given in References. Other functions provide a method to simulate random variables from their (conditional) hazard rate, and then to simulate PDMPs. * faoutlier (0.2.2) Maintainer: Phil Chalmers Author(s): Phil Chalmers <rphilip.chalmers at> License: GPL (>= 2) Tools for detecting and summarize influential cases that can affect exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis models as well as structural equation models more generally. * FastImputation (1.0) Maintainer: Stephen R. Haptonstahl Author(s): Stephen R. Haptonstahl License: GPL (>= 2) TrainFastImputation uses training data to describe a multivariate normal distribution that the data approximates or can be transformed into approximating and stores this information as an object of class FastImputationPatterns. The FastImputation function uses this FastImputationPatterns object to impute (make a good guess at) missing data in a single line or a whole dataframe of data. This approximates the process used by Amelia (\url{}) but is much faster when filling in values for a single line of data. * hydroPSO (0.1-54-1) Maintainer: Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini Author(s): Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini [aut, cre] and Rodrigo Rojas [ctb] License: GPL (>= 2) This package implements a state-of-the-art version of the Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) algorithm, with a special focus on the calibration of environmental models. hydroPSO is model-independent, allowing the user to easily interface any model code with the calibration engine (PSO). hydroPSO includes a series of controlling options and PSO variants to fine-tune the performance of the calibration engine. An advanced sensitivity analysis function together with user-friendly plotting summaries facilitate the interpretation and assessment of the calibration results. Bugs reports/comments/questions are very welcomed. * OOmisc (1.0) Maintainer: Ozgur Asar Author(s): Ozgur Asar, Ozlem Ilk License: GPL (>= 2) Includes miscellaneous functions. * robustHD (0.1.0) Maintainer: Andreas Alfons Author(s): Andreas Alfons License: GPL (>= 2) Robust methods for high-dimensional data, in particular linear model selection techniques based on least angle regression and sparse regression. * sparseLTSEigen (0.1.0) Maintainer: Andreas Alfons Author(s): Andreas Alfons License: GPL (>= 2) Use RcppEigen to fit least trimmed squares regression models with an L1 penalty in order to obtain sparse models. * sROC (0.1-2) Maintainer: Xiao-Feng Wang Author(s): Xiao-Feng Wang License: GPL (>= 3) This package contains a collection of functions to perform nonparametric estimation of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for continuous data. * sybilDynFBA (0.0.1) Maintainer: Abdelmoneim Amer Desouki Author(s): Abdelmoneim Amer Desouki License: GPL-3 In this package the dynamic FBA technique proposed by Varma was implemented. * tfplot (2012.4-1) Maintainer: Paul Gilbert and Erik Meijer Author(s): Paul Gilbert <pgilbert.ttv9z at> License: GPL-2 Utilities in this package are for simple manipulation and quick plotting of time series data. These utilities use the tframe package which provides a programming kernel for time series. Extension to tframe provided in tframePlus can also be used. See the Guide vignette for examples. * varbvs (1.0) Maintainer: Peter Carbonetto Author(s): Peter Carbonetto License: GPL (>= 3) Implements the variational inference procedure for Bayesian variable selection, as described in the "Scalable variational inference for Bayesian variable selection in regression, and its accuracy in genetic association studies" (Bayesian Analysis 7, March 2012, pages 73-108). This software has been used to implement Bayesian variable selection for large problems with over a million variables and thousands of samples. * waffect (1.2) Maintainer: G. Nuel Author(s): Gregory Nuel and Vittorio Perduca License: GPL (>= 3) waffect (pronounced 'double-u affect' for 'weighted affectation') is a package to simulate phenotypic (case or control) datasets under a disease model H1 such that the total number of cases is constant across all the simulations (the constrain in the title). The package also makes it possible to generate phenotypes in the case of more than two classes, so that the number of phenotypes belonging to each class is constant across all the simulations. waffect is used to assess empirically the statistical power of Genome Wide Association studies. Updated packages ---------------- adaptivetau (1.0), adehabitat (1.8.10), adehabitatLT (0.3.5), aod (1.3), asypow (2012.04-1), BayesDA (2012.04-1), bayesTFR (1.5-1), Bergm (2.3), BoolNet (1.50), bqtl (1.0-27), cccrm (1.1), censReg (0.5-10), cherry (0.2-6), coefplot (1.1.7), coloc (1.08), CompRandFld (1.0.2), ConjointChecks (0.0.7), copula (0.99-1), crawl (1.3-4), deseasonalize (1.03), digeR (1.3), DistributionUtils (0.5-1), effects (2.1-1), elec.strat (0.1.1), ElemStatLearn (2012.04-0), EVER (1.2), evtree (0.1-2), fanovaGraph (1.1), gbm (1.6-3.2), GeneralizedHyperbolic (0.8-0), GGEBiplotGUI (1.0-1), ggmap (2.0), growcurves (0.1.1), gWidgetsRGtk2 (0.0-81), hash (, HiddenMarkov (1.7-0), ISIPTA (0.1-7), lavaan (0.4-13), lcmm (1.5.1), lifecontingencies (0.9.2), LIHNPSD (0.2.1), LMERConvenienceFunctions (, markdown (0.4), medAdherence (1.03), MKmisc (0.91), modTempEff (1.5.1), mvnormtest (0.1-9), ncdf4 (1.6), ncdf4 (1.6.1), negenes (1.0-1), oposSOM (0.1-4), pcaPP (1.9-46), phenology (3.29), polySegratioMM (0.6-2), pomp (0.41-3), psgp (0.3-1), QCA (1.0-1), QCA3 (0.0-5), quantreg (4.79), Rcmdr (1.8-4), RcppArmadillo (, RcppArmadillo (0.3.0), RcppDE (0.1.1), RDieHarder (0.1.2), rEMM (1.0-5), reweight (1.2.1), rockchalk (1.5.4), rrBLUP (3.7), rrcovNA (0.4-03), RRF (1.2), RXMCDA (1.4.2), scriptests (1.0-9), sdcMicro (3.1.1), SDMTools (1.1-11), seewave (1.6.3), sem (3.0-0), SGP (0.9-0.0), SkewHyperbolic (0.3-1), SpatialTools (0.3.5), sphet (1.1-12), splus2R (1.1-1), STAR (0.3-5), tmvtnorm (1.4-6), track (1.0-15), VarianceGamma (0.3-1), VBmix (0.2.7), verification (1.32), VGAM (0.8-7), vines (1.0.4), x12 (1.0-1) This email provided as a service for the R community by Like it? Hate it? Please let us know: cranatic at
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * appell (0.0-3) Maintainer: Daniel Sabanes Bove Author(s): Daniel Sabanes Bove <daniel.sabanesbove at> with contributions by F. D. Colavecchia, R. C. Forrey, G. Gasaneo, N. L. J. Michel, L. F. Shampine, M. V. Stoitsov and H. A. Watts. License: GPL (>= 3) This package wraps Fortran code by F. D. Colavecchia and G. Gasaneo for computing the Appell's F1 hypergeometric function. Their program uses Fortran code by L. F. Shampine and H. A. Watts. Moreover, the hypergeometric function with complex arguments is computed with Fortran code by N. L. J. Michel and M. V. Stoitsov or with Fortran code by R. C. Forrey. See the function documentations for the references and please cite them accordingly. * bayesPop (0.2-2) Maintainer: Hana Sevcikova Author(s): Hana Sevcikova, Adrian Raftery License: GPL (>= 2) The package allows to generate population projections for all countries of the world using several probabilistic components, such as total fertility rate (TFR) and life expectancy. * cec2005benchmark (1.0.0) Maintainer: Yasser Gonz?lez-Fern?ndez Author(s): Yasser Gonz?lez-Fern?ndez <ygonzalezfernandez at> and Marta Soto <mrosa at> License: GPL (>= 3) This package is a wrapper for the C implementation of the 25 benchmark functions for the CEC 2005 Special Session on Real-Parameter Optimization. The original C code by Santosh Tiwari and related documentation are available at * compound.Cox (1.0) Maintainer: Takeshi Emura, Graduate Institute of Statistics, National Central University, Taiwan Author(s): Takeshi Emura & Yi-Hau Chen License: GPL-2 Calculate regression coefficients and their standard errors under the Cox proportional hazard model with the large number of covariates. * dgmb (1.0) Maintainer: Alba Martinez-Ruiz Author(s): Alba Martinez-Ruiz <amartine at> and Claudia Martinez-Araneda <cmartinez at> License: GPL (>= 2) Random data generation for PLS structural models. * diffEq (1.0) Maintainer: Karline Soetaert Author(s): Karline Soetaert <karline.soetaert at> License: GPL Functions and examples from the book Solving Differential Equations in R by Karline Soetaert, Jeff R Cash and Francesca Mazzia. Springer, 2012. * dkDNA (0.1.0) Maintainer: Gota Morota Author(s): Gota Morota and Masanori Koyama License: GPL-2 Compute diffusion kernels on DNA polymorphisms, including SNP and bi-allelic genotypes. * frmqa (0.1-0) Maintainer: Thanh T. Tran Author(s): Thanh T. Tran License: GPL (>= 2) R and C++ functions for financial risk management and quantative analysis, using the generalized perbolic and its related distributions. * geospt (0.4-9) Maintainer: Al? Santacruz Author(s): Carlos Melo <cmelo at>, Al? Santacruz, Oscar Melo <oomelom at> and others License: GPL (>= 2) This package contains functions for: estimation of the variogram through trimmed mean, radial basis functions (optimization, prediction and cross-validation), summary statistics from cross-validation, pocket plot, and design of optimal sampling networks through sequential and simultaneous points methods * JohnsonDistribution (0.24) Maintainer: A.I. McLeod Author(s): A.I. McLeod and Leanna King License: GPL (>= 2) Johnson curve distributions. Implementation of AS100 and AS99. * labeledLoop (0.1) Maintainer: Kohske Takahashi Author(s): Kohske Takahashi License: MIT Support labeled loop and escape from nested loop * logitnorm (0.8.26) Maintainer: Thomas Wutzler Author(s): Thomas Wutzler License: GPL-2 Density, distribution, quantile and random generation function for the logitnormal distribution. Estimation of the mode and the first two moments. Estimation of distribution parameters. * LOST (1.0) Maintainer: Jessica Arbour Author(s): J. Arbour and C. Brown License: GPL (>= 2) LOST includes functions for simulating missing morphometric data randomly, with taxonomic bias and with anatomical bias. This package also includes functions for estimating missing morphometric data based on regression. * NHPoisson (1.0) Maintainer: Ana C. Cebrian Author(s): Ana C. Cebrian License: GPL (>= 2) Tools for modelling, ML estimation, validation analysis and simulation of non homogeneous Poisson processes in time. * pacose (1.0) Maintainer: Vincent Guillemot Author(s): Vincent Guillemot, Andreas Bender License: GPL Implementation of iPACOSE, PACOSE and of various methods for the estimation of covariance/precision matrices under the constraint that some partial correlation coefficients are equal to zero. * pcaL1 (1.0) Maintainer: Paul Brooks Author(s): Sapan Jot <sapan.madaan at> and Paul Brooks <jpbrooks at>. The scripts configure and and the file INSTALL are based on those in R package clpAPI <geliudie at>. License: GPL (>= 2) This package contains three implementations of principal component analysis methods using the L1 norm. The package depends on COIN-OR Clp version >= 1.12.0. The methods implemented are PCA-L1 (Kwak 2008), L1-PCA (Ke and Kanade 2003, 2005), and L1-PCA* (Brooks, Dula, and Boone 2012). * sft (0.0-4) Maintainer: Joe Houpt Author(s): Joe Houpt <jhoupt at>, Leslie Blaha <Leslie.Blaha at> License: GPL (>= 2) This package contains a series of tools for analyzing Systems Factorial Technology data. This includes functions for plotting and statistically testing capacity coefficient functions and survivor interaction contrast functions. * stpp (0.1) Maintainer: Edith Gabriel Author(s): Edith Gabriel License: GPL-3 A package for analysing, simulating and displaying space-time point patterns * TestSurvRec (1.01) Maintainer: Carlos Martinez Author(s): Dr. Carlos Martinez License: GPL-2 These tests are weighted tests type logrank * VarEff (1.0) Maintainer: Natacha Nikolic Author(s): Natacha Nikolic and Claude Chevalet License: GPL (>= 2) Functions for estimate the changes of effective population size with coalescent approach. * vec2dtransf (1.0) Maintainer: German Carrillo Author(s): German Carrillo License: GPL (>= 2) A package for applying affine and similarity transformations on vector spatial data (sp objects). Transformations can be defined from control points or directly from parameters. If redundant control points are provided Least Squares is applied allowing to obtain residuals and RMSE. Updated packages ---------------- abn (0.7), afmtools (0.1.7), ANN (0.1.4), bayesDem (1.5-1), bayesLife (0.3-3), bclust (1.3), bcp (3.0.1), blighty (3.1-4), bootRes (1.2.1), cccd (1.01), clpAPI (1.2.1), comparison (0.4-0), crs (0.15-15), dcemriS4 (0.47), ddepn (2.1), deldir (0.0-18), diptest (0.75-3), disclapmix (0.2), dlmap (1.12), dlnm (1.6.1), dlnm (1.6.2), doMC (1.2.5), doParallel (1.0.1), doRNG (1.2.6), doSNOW (1.0.6), flux (0.2-1), fOptions (2160.81), foreach (1.4.0), gdsfmt (0.9.8), GeneCycle (1.1.2), geometry (0.3-0), GGally (0.3.2), glpkAPI (1.2.3), gmodels (2.15.2), GWAF (2.0), GWAtoolbox (2.0.2), HAC (0.2-0), hash (, hdlm (1.1.1), iterators (1.0.6), kaps (0.9-2), lcmm (1.5.2), LeLogicielR (1.2), lgcp (0.9-4), limSolve (1.5.3), lmomco (1.5.1), MCMCpack (1.2-3), MDM (1.1), mediation (4.0.1), meta (2.0-2), monomvn (1.8-10), MPTinR (0.8.10), mritc (0.4-0), msSurv (1.1-0), mvoutlier (1.9.7), nlsmsn (0.0-3), oblique.tree (1.1), oro.nifti (0.3.3), OUwie (1.18), pracma (1.0.5), qgraph (1.0.3), qualityTools (1.52), RcppArmadillo (, ReadImages (, rgrs (0.2-17), RHRV (2.6), robfilter (3.1), RVAideMemoire (0.9-9), RXKCD (1.7-2), saws (0.9-5.3), segmented (0.2-9.0), SPACECAP (1.0.5), spatstat (1.26-1), sprint (1.0.1), sybil (1.0.2), tempdisagg (0.13), tgp (2.4-7), timereg (1.6-3), tis (1.22), topicmodels (0.1-5), trio (1.4.26), xlsxjars (0.4.0), xpose4 (4.3.5), xpose4classic (4.3.5), xpose4data (4.3.5), xpose4generic (4.3.5), xpose4specific (4.3.5), zic (0.7.0) This email provided as a service for the R community by Like it? Hate it? Please let us know: cranatic at
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * anoint (1.0) Maintainer: S. A. Kovalchik Author(s): Ravi Varadhan <rvaradhan at> and Stephanie Kovalchik License: GPL (>= 2) Tools for assessing multiple treatment-covariate interactions with data from a parallel-group randomized controlled clinical trial * BINCO (0.1-1) Maintainer: Shuang Li Author(s): Shuang Li <shuangli at>,Li Hsu <lih at>, Jie Peng <jiepeng at>, Pei Wang <pwang at>, License: GPL (>= 2) Network construction based on inference on edge selection frequencies generated from bootstrap resamples * binomlogit (1.0) Maintainer: Agnes Fussl Author(s): Agnes Fussl License: GPL-3 The R package contains different MCMC schemes to estimate the regression coefficients of a binomial (or binary) logit model within a Bayesian framework: a data-augmented independence MH-sampler, an auxiliary mixture sampler and a hybrid auxiliary mixture (HAM) sampler. All sampling procedures are based on algorithms using data augmentation, where the regression coefficients are estimated by rewriting the logit model as a latent variable model called difference random utility model (dRUM). * biwavelet (0.1) Maintainer: Tarik C. Gouhier Author(s): Tarik C. Gouhier, Aslak Grinsted License: GPL (>= 2) This is a port of the WTC MATLAB package written by Aslak Grinsted and the wavelet program written by Christopher Torrence and Gibert P. Compo. This package can be used to perform univariate and bivariate (cross-wavelet, wavelet coherence) wavelet analyses. * CePa (0.1) Maintainer: Zuguang Gu Author(s): Zuguang Gu License: GPL (>= 2) Use pathway topology information to assign weight to pathway nodes. * fracprolif (1.0.2) Maintainer: Shawn Garbett Author(s): Shawn Garbett, Darren Tyson License: GPL-2 Functions for fitting data to a quiescent growth model, i.e. a growth process that involves members of the population who stop dividing or propagating. * GUniFrac (1.0) Maintainer: Jun Chen Author(s): Jun Chen License: GPL-2 Generalized UniFrac distance for comparing microbial communities. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance using multiple distance matrices. * MAMS (0.1) Maintainer: Thomas Jaki Author(s): Thomas Jaki <jaki.thomas at> and Dominic Magirr <d.magirr at> License: GPL-2 Designing multi-arm multi-stage studies with normal endpoints and known variance * mmand (0.1.0) Maintainer: Jon Clayden Author(s): Jon Clayden License: GPL-2 This package provides tools for performing mathematical morphology operations, such as erosion and dilation, on data of arbitrary dimensionality. It can also be used for smoothing and other image processing-style operations. * muma (1.0) Maintainer: Edoardo Gaude Author(s): Edoardo Gaude, Dimitrios Spiliotopoulos, Silvia Mari, Andrea Spitaleri and Michela Ghitti License: GPL-2 Preprocessing of metabolomic data (normalization and scalings); Principal Component Analysis with help tool for choosing best-separating principal components and automatic outlier testing; automatic univariate analysis for parametric and non-parametric data, with report generation (volcano and box plots); partial least sqaure discriminant analysis (PLS-DA); orthogonal partial least square discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA); Statistical Total Correlation Spectroscopy (STOCSY); Ratio Analysis NMR SpectroscopY (RANSY). * okmesonet (0.1.1) Maintainer: Brady Allred Author(s): Brady Allred, Torre Hovick, Samuel Fuhlendorf License: GPL (>= 2) okmesonet retrieves and summarizes Oklahoma (USA) Mesonet climatological data provided by the Oklahoma Climatological Survey. Measurements are recorded every five minutes at approximately 120 stations throughout Oklahoma and are available in near real-time. * QRM (0.4-7) Maintainer: Bernhard Pfaff Author(s): Bernhard Pfaff License: GPL (>= 2) This package is designed to accompany the book Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and Tools by Alexander J. McNeil, Rudiger Frey and Paul Embrechts. * rcppbugs (0.0.8) Maintainer: Whit Armstrong Author(s): Whit Armstrong <armstrong.whit at> License: GPL-3 R binding for cppbugs * RfmriVC (1.0) Maintainer: Stefanie Kalus Author(s): Ludwig Bothmann, Stefanie Kalus License: GPL-2 A varying coefficient on the stimulus effect is introduced into the voxelwise fMRI regression model. By this the effects of the canonical hemodynamic response function are allowed to vary with another variable, like for example time or a vigilance parameter. * risaac (0.1) Maintainer: David L Gibbs Author(s): David L Gibbs License: GPL-3 Uses the ISAAC algorithm: * rknn (1.0) Maintainer: Shengqiao Li Author(s): Shengqiao Li <shli at> License: GPL (>= 2) Random KNN Classification and Regression * superdiag (1.1) Maintainer: Tsung-han Tsai Author(s): Tsung-han Tsai <t.tsai at>, Jeff Gill <jgill at> and Jonathan Rapkin <rapkin at> License: GPL A Comprehensive Test Suite for Markov Chain Nonconvergence. * weightedKmeans (1.2.0) Maintainer: Graham Williams Author(s): Graham Williams, Joshua Z Huang, Xiaojun Chen, Qiang Wang, Longfei Xiao License: GPL (>= 3) Entropy weighted kmeans (ewkm) is a weighted subspace clustering algorithm that is well suited to very high dimensional data. Weights are calculated as the importance of a variable with regard to cluster membership. The feature group weighted kmenas (fgkm) extends this concept by grouping features and weighting the group in addition to weihgting individual features. Updated packages ---------------- ade4 (1.5-0), ahaz (1.12), ape (3.0-3), arules (1.0-8), BMA (3.15.1), bsml (1.5-1), cec2005benchmark (1.0.1), CHCN (1.4), cloudRmpi (1.1), cloudRmpiJars (1.1), CONORData (1.0.1), constrainedKriging (0.1.7), coxme (2.2-2), cplexAPI (1.2.2), CrypticIBDcheck (0.2-3), deldir (0.0-19), demography (1.12), dplR (1.5.4), dynaTree (1.2-6), earth (3.2-3), ENmisc (1.2-4), ffbase (0.4), ffbase (0.4-1), fmsb (0.3.4), fracprolif (1.0.2), frmqa (0.1-1), gamlss (4.1-5), gcdnet (1.0.1), GenSA (1.0.3), geospt (0.5-0), GLDEX (, glmmLasso (1.0.2), glmnet (1.7.4), (1.3), HMP (1.1), ivbma (1.02), libamtrack (0.5.3), locfit (1.5-8), MASS (7.3-18), MetaQC (0.1.10-1), mgcv (1.7-14), MPCI (1.0.4), multitable (1.4), multitaper (1.0-0), NetComp (1.4), noia (0.96), nortest (1.0-1), partsm (1.1), party (1.0-2), pbkrtest (0.3-1), pcaL1 (1.1), pcalg (1.1-5), pdc (0.2), QCA (1.0-3), QCAGUI (1.8-4), qualityTools (1.53), rattle (2.6.18), rcom (2.2-5), rcom (2.2-4), rcppbugs (0.0.8), rebmix (2.4.0), rfPermute (1.1), RghcnV3 (2.7), RnavGraph (0.1.3), robust (0.3-19), rpartScore (1.0-0), rreval (1.1), rscproxy (2.0-1), rtape (2.0), rworldmap (0.1310), smatr (3.2.6), snow (0.3-9), SNPRelate (0.9.5), spBayes (0.2-4), spider (1.1-3), sprint (1.0.2), survival (2.36-13), survival (2.36-14), textcat (0.1-1), trio (1.5.0), WGCNA (1.20) This email provided as a service for the R community by Like it? Hate it? Please let us know: cranatic at
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * condmixt (1.0) Maintainer: Julie Carreau Author(s): Julie Carreau License: GPL-2 Conditional density estimation with mixtures for heavy-tailed distributions * crrstep (2012-5.3) Maintainer: Ravi Varadhan Author(s): Ravi Varadhan & Deborah Kuk License: GPL (>= 2) Performs forward and backwards stepwise regression for the Proportional subdistribution hazards model in competing risks (Fine & Gray 1999). Procedure uses AIC, BIC and BICcr as selection criteria. BICcr has a penalty of k = log(n*), where n* is the number of primary events. * discreteMTP (0.1-2) Maintainer: Shay Yaacoby Author(s): Ruth Heller [aut], Hadas Gur [aut], Shay Yaacoby [aut, cre] License: GPL (>= 2) Multiple testing procedures for discrete test statistics, that use the known discrete null distribution of the p-values for simultaneous inference. * gglasso (1.0) Maintainer: Yi Yang Author(s): Yi Yang <yiyang at>, Hui Zou <hzou at> License: GPL-2 This package implements a unified algorithm, blockwise-majorization-decent (BMD), for efficiently computing the solution paths of the group-lasso penalized least squares, logistic regression, Huberized SVM and squared SVM. * ISBF (0.1) Maintainer: Pierre Alquier Author(s): Pierre Alquier License: GPL Selection of features for sparse regression estimation (like the LASSO). Selection of blocks of features when the regression parameter is sparse and constant by blocks (like the Fused-LASSO). Application to cgh arrays. TEST VERSION, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! * mmm2 (1.0) Maintainer: Ozgur Asar Author(s): Ozgur Asar, Ozlem Ilk License: GPL (>= 2) Fits multivariate marginal models with shared regression parameters for discrete and continuous responses * Momocs (0.1-01) Maintainer: Vincent Bonhomme Author(s): Vincent Bonhomme, Sandrine Picq, Julien Claude License: GPL (>= 2) Momocs is intended to ease and popularize shape analysis of outlines (especially using elliptical Fourier analysis). It mostly hinges on the functions developped in Morphometrics with R (Claude, 2008). From outline extraction of images and elliptical Fourier calculation to multivariate analysis and the visualization of transformations within the morphological space, Momocs provides a complete and convenient toolkit to specialists within every field that are, or may be, interested in morphological comparisons of outlines. * mpoly (0.0.1) Maintainer: David Kahle Author(s): David Kahle <david.kahle at> License: MIT mpoly allows for the symbolic manipulation of multivariate polynomials in a general and consistent way designed especially for sparse and super sparse polynomials. It also allows for basic differential calculus with multivariate polynomials and Grobner basis calculations from computational algebraic geometry. * R.devices (2.1.1) Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson Author(s): Henrik Bengtsson License: LGPL (>= 2.1) This package provides utility methods that enhance the existing graphical device functions already available in R for the purpose of simplify the creation of figure files of various image formats and much more. * RcmdrPlugin.EBM (1.0-1) Maintainer: Daniel Leucuta Author(s): Daniel-Corneliu Leucuta <danny.ldc at> License: GPL (>= 2) This package provides an Rcmdr plug-in for Evidence Based Medicine medical indicators calculations (Sensitivity, specificity, absolute risk reduction, relative risk, ...). * RSeed (0.1.31) Maintainer: Claus Jonathan Fritzemeier Author(s): Claus Jonathan Fritzemeier License: GNU General Public License an implementation of the analysis about seed components from borenstein 2008 * SemiParSampleSel (0.1) Maintainer: Giampiero Marra Author(s): Giampiero Marra <giampiero at> and Rosalba Radice <rosalba.radice at> License: GPL (>= 2) Routine for fitting continuous response sample selection models with semiparametric predictors, including linear and nonlinear effects. * stellaR (0.2-0) Maintainer: Matteo Dell'Omodarme Author(s): Matteo Dell'Omodarme [aut, cre], Giada Valle [aut] License: GPL (>= 2) A package to manage and display stellar tracks and isochrones from Pisa low-mass database. Includes tools for isochrones construction and tracks interpolation. Updated packages ---------------- arm (1.5-04), bayesDem (1.6-0), bayesLife (0.4-0), betapart (1.1-2), birch (1.2-3), birch (1.2-2), bootRes (1.2.2), CDNmoney (2012.4-1), cosso (2.0-1), crs (0.15-16), csound (0.1-1), dclone (1.7-2), dcmle (0.2-0), detect (0.2-2), dse (2012.4-1), emplik (0.9-8-2), EvalEst (2012.4-1), forecast (3.21), fpp (0.4), geometry (0.3-1), GGEBiplotGUI (1.0-2), ggmap (2.1), HAC (0.2-1), harvestr (0.3), hydroGOF (0.3-3), hydroTSM (0.3-4), kappalab (0.4-6), KernSmoothIRT (3.0), lassoshooting (0.1.5-1), LEAPFrOG (1.0.4), meta (2.0-4), metrumrg (5.17), mgcv (1.7-16), MigClim (1.1), minPtest (1.2), mirt (0.2.3), mmand (0.1.1), Modalclust (0.3), Momocs (0.1-01), mpmcorrelogram (0.1-2), MSeasy (5.3), MSeasyTkGUI (5.3), MultiPhen (0.5), MVPARTwrap (0.1-9), okmesonet (0.1.2), OUwie (1.21), pathClass (0.9.3), phytools (0.1-8), playitbyr (0.2-0), playitbyr (0.2-1), plm (1.2-10), plotmo (1.3-2), pomp (0.42-1), PropCIs (0.1-8), psych (1.2.4), raster (1.9-92), RcppArmadillo (, rgdal (0.7-11), rgdal (0.7-10), rgeos (0.2-6), Rlabkey (2.1.118), RMark (2.1.1), rscproxy (2.0-5), Rz (0.4-0), sculpt3d (0.3-1), sp (0.9-99), spam (0.29-1), spam (0.29-0), spatialkernel (0.4-13), spatialkernel (0.4-14), StateTrace (1.0-4), stellaR (0.2-0), survSNP (0.21-4), tabplot (0.11-2), tabplotGTK (0.5-2), tcltk2 (1.2-3), tensor (1.5), tframe (2012.4-2), tframePlus (2012.4-2), TSdbi (2012.4-1), tsfa (2012.4-1), TSfame (2012.4-1), TSgetSymbol (2012.4-1), TShistQuote (2012.4-1), TSMySQL (2012.4-1), tsne (0.1-2), TSpadi (2012.4-1), TSSQLite (2012.4-1), TSxls (2012.4-1), TSzip (2012.4-1), varcompci (1.0.1) New reviews ----------- * qAnalyst, by atomicules This email provided as a service for the R community by Like it? Hate it? Please let us know: cranatic at
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * AGD (0.30) Maintainer: Stef van Buuren Author(s): Stef van Buuren <stef.vanbuuren at> License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 Tools for NIHES course EP18 'Analysis of Growth Data', May 22-23 2012, Rotterdam. * bigml (0.1-1) Maintainer: Justin Donaldson Author(s): Justin Donaldson [aut, cre] License: LGPL-3 The bigml package contains bindings for the BigML API. The package includes methods that provide straightforward access to basic API functionality, as well as methods that accommodate idiomatic R datatypes and concepts. * BVS (4.12.0) Maintainer: Melanie Quintana Author(s): Melanie Quintana <maw27.wilson at> License: Unlimited The functions in this package focus on analyzing case-control association studies involving a group of genetic variants. In particular, we are interested in modeling the outcome variable as a function of a multivariate genetic profile using Bayesian model uncertainty and variable selection techniques. The package incorporates functions to analyze data sets involving common variants as well as extensions to model rare variants via the Bayesian Risk Index (BRI) as well as haplotypes. Finally, the package also allows the incorporation of external biological information to inform the marginal inclusion probabilities via the iBMU. * gsbDesign (0.95) Maintainer: Unknown Author(s): Florian Gerber, Thomas Gsponer License: GPL-3 Group Sequential Operating Characteristics for Clinical, Bayesian two-arm Trials with known Sigma and Normal Endpoints. * marqLevAlg (1.0) Maintainer: Melanie Prague Author(s): D. Commenges <Daniel.Commenges at>, M. Prague <Melanie.Prague at> and Amadou Diakite License: GPL (>= 2.0) This algorithm provides a numerical solution to the problem of minimizing a function. This is more efficient than the Gauss-Newton-like algorithm when starting from points vey far from the final minimum. A new convergence test is implemented (RDM) in addition to the usual stopping criterion : stopping rule is when the gradients are small enough in the parameters metric (GH-1G). * p2distance (1.0.1) Maintainer: A.J. Perez-Luque Author(s): A.J. Perez-Luque; R. Moreno; R. Perez-Perez and F.J. Bonet License: GPL The welfare's synthetic indicator provides an ideal tool for measuring multi-dimensional concepts such as welfare, development, living standards, etc. It enables information from the various indicators to be aggregated into a single synthetic measure. * pcaPA (1.0) Maintainer: Carlos A. Arias Author(s): Carlos A. Arias <carias at> and V?ctor H. Cervantes <vcervantes at>. License: GPL (>= 2) A set of functions to perform parallel analysis for principal components analysis intended mainly for large data sets. It performs a parallel analysis of continuous, ordered (including dichotomous/binary as a special case) or mixed type of data associated with a principal components analysis. Polychoric correlations among ordered variables, Pearson correlations among continuous variables and polyserial correlation between mixed type variables (one ordered and one continuous) are used. Whenever the use of polyserial or polychoric correlations yields a non positive definite correlation matrix, the resulting matrix is transformed into the nearest positive definite matrix. For details on the GSL installation in windows please visit the following link: Windows_binary * phia (0.0-2) Maintainer: Helios De Rosario-Martinez Author(s): Helios De Rosario-Martinez License: GPL (>= 3) Analysis of terms in linear and generalized linear models, on the basis of multiple comparisons of factor contrasts. Specially suited for the analysis of interaction terms. * plmDE (1.0) Maintainer: Jonas Author(s): Jonas Mueller License: GPL (>= 2) A set of tools for identifying genes whose differential expression is associated with measurements of other covariates on a continuous scale. These methods rely on generalized additive partially linear models which can be fitted efficiently using a B-spline basis approximation. Still under development: methods for interfacing with objects extending the eSet class and a function to pass linear models in edgeR and DEseq format. * polywog (0.1-0) Maintainer: Brenton Kenkel Author(s): Brenton Kenkel and Curtis S. Signorino License: GPL (>= 2) Routines for flexible functional form estimation via basis regression, with model selection via the adaptive LASSO or SCAD to prevent overfitting. * qtutils (0.1-2) Maintainer: Deepayan Sarkar Author(s): Deepayan Sarkar License: LGPL (>= 2) Miscellaneous Qt-based tools for R * RCassandra (0.1-0) Maintainer: Simon Urbanek Author(s): Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek at> License: GPL-2 This packages provides a direct interface (without the use of Java) to the most basic functionality of Apache Cassanda such as login, updates and queries. * rolasized (1.0) Maintainer: Christian Zang Author(s): Christian Zang License: MIT Ethan Schoonover's solarized colour scheme for R ( * RTDAmeritrade (0.0.1) Maintainer: Theodore Van Rooy Author(s): Theodore Van Rooy License: GPL (>= 2) The package contains functions that can be used to interface with the TDAmeritrade API. * SightabilityModel (1.0) Maintainer: John Fieberg Author(s): John Fieberg License: GPL-2 Uses logistic regression to model the probability of detection as a function of covariates. This model is then used with observational survey data to estimate population size, while accounting for uncertain detection. See Steinhorst and Samuel (1989). * SKAT (0.75) Maintainer: Seunggeun (Shawn) Lee Author(s): Seunggeun Lee, Larisa Miropolsky and Micheal Wu License: GPL (>= 2) Kernel based SNP set test * SunterSampling (1.0) Maintainer: alessandro.barbiero Author(s): Alessandro Barbiero, Giancarlo Manzi License: GPL Functions for drawing samples according to Sunter's sampling design, and for computing first and second order inclusion probabilities * TCC (0.2) Maintainer: Tomoaki Nishiyama Author(s): Koji Kadota, Tomoaki Nishiyama, Kentaro Shimizu License: GPL-2 This package provides normalization method of tag count data by TMM-bayseq-TMM pipeline. Expected application includes RNA-seq, SAGE, ChIP-seq and a like. Updated packages ---------------- Animal (1.04), BaSAR (1.3), BBmisc (1.1-125), beeswarm (0.1.5), betareg (3.0-0), blockTools (0.5-4), caroline (0.7.2), catR (2.3), cccd (1.02), ChoiceModelR (1.1), CityPlot (2.0), corpcor (1.6.3), cvplogistic (2.0-0), cvTools (0.3.1), dafs (1.0-37), diveMove (1.3.4), diversitree (0.9-3), DNAtools (0.1-6), fda.usc (0.9.7), ff (2.2-7), flexmix (2.3-8), FlexParamCurve (1.4), frailtyHL (1.1), geometry (0.3-2), ggplot2 (0.9.1), gMCP (0.7-9), hydroPSO (0.1-55), iCluster (2.1.0), LaplacesDemon (12.05.07), lavaan (0.4-14), lmomco (1.6.1), LPCM (0.44-6), mfr (1.04), mht (2.00), MigClim (1.2), minpack.lm (1.1-6), minqa (1.2.1), mirt (0.2.4), mokken (2.7.2), msm (1.1.1), mutoss (0.1-7), mutossGUI (0.1-7), nullabor (0.2), nutshellDE (1.0-2), openair (0.6-0), orloca (4.0), pegas (0.4-2), processdata (0.8.1), qgraph (1.0.4), RghcnV3 (2.8), rgl (0.92.880), rgr (1.1.6), RGtk2 (2.20.24), RISmed (2.0.1), RMAWGEN (1.2.5), robustbase (0.9-0), robustfa (1.0-01), rtf (0.4-4), s20x (3.1-9), scales (0.2.1), segmented (0.2-9.1), SemiParBIVProbit (3.2), shotGroups (0.2-1), spatialsegregation (2.38), TDMR (0.3.0), timereg (1.6-5), tmle (1.2.0-1), TSPostgreSQL (2012.5-1), vcdExtra (0.5-3) This email provided as a service for the R community by Like it? Hate it? Please let us know: cranatic at
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * anametrix (0.1) Maintainer: Roman Jugai Author(s): Roman Jugai License: LGPL Connects to Anametrix API and extracts data into R data structure * assertive (0.1-4) Maintainer: Richard Cotton Author(s): Richard Cotton [aut, cre] License: Unlimited assertive contains lots of is_* functions to check the state of your variables, and assert_* functions to throw errors if they aren't in the right form. * crblocks (0.5-0) Maintainer: David Allingham Author(s): David Allingham, D.J. Best License: GPL (>= 2) Implements a statistical test for comparing bar plots or histograms of categorical data derived from a randomized block repeated measures layout. * deltaPlotR (1.0) Maintainer: David Magis Author(s): David Magis (U Liege), Bruno Facon (Univ Lille-Nord de France) License: GPL (>= 2) The deltaPlot package proposes an implementation of Angoff's elta Plot method to detect dichotomous DIF. Several detection thresholds are included, either from multivariate normality asumption, random simulation, or by prior determination. Item purification is supported. * disp2D (1.0) Maintainer: Guillermo Ayala Author(s): Guillermo Ayala License: GPL-2 An implementation of two exact algorithms for testing the Hausdorff and simplex dispersion orderings * foodweb (1-0) Maintainer: Giselle Perdomo Author(s): Giselle Perdomo License: GPL (>= 2) Calculates twelve commonly-used, basic measures of food web network structure from binary, predator-prey matrices: species richness, connectance, total number of links, link density, number of trophic positions, predator:prey ratio, and fraction of carnivores, herbivores, top species and intermediate species. Employs food web language in the code and output, translates between a couple of common food web formats, can handle food webs consisting of multiple levels, and can automate the analysis for a large number of webs. The program produces 3-dimensional graphs of high quality that can be customized by the user. * genomicper (1.3) Maintainer: Claudia Cabrera Author(s): Claudia P.Cabrera-Cardenas,Pau Navarro,Chris S.Haley License: GPL-2 Circular genomic permutation approach uses GWAS results to establish the significance of pathway/gene-set associations whilst accounting for genomic structure. All SNPs in the GWAS are placed in a 'circular genome' according to their location. Then the complete set of SNP association p-values are permuted by rotation with respect to the SNPs' genomic locations * hiPOD (1.0) Maintainer: Wei E. Liang Author(s): Wei E. Liang License: GPL-3 Based on hierarchical modeling, this package provides a few practical functions to find and present the optimal designs for a pooled NGS design. * intpoint (1.0) Maintainer: Alejandro Quintela del Rio Author(s): Alejandro Quintela del Rio License: GPL-2 Solves linear programming problems by the interior point method, and plots the graphical solution of a linear programming problem of two dimensions. * jmec (1.0-3) Maintainer: Willem M. van der Wal Author(s): Willem M. van der Wal <w.m.vd.wal at> License: GPL (>= 2) Fit joint model for event and censoring, with cluster-level frailties, according to Huang & Wolfe (2002). * knnGarden (1.0) Maintainer: Boxian Wei Author(s): Boxian Wei & Fan Yang & Xinmiao Wang & Yanni Ge License: GPL (>= 2) Muti-distance based k-Nearest Neighbors Classification with K Threshold Value Check and Same K_i Problem Dealing, Missing Observations Filling * longclust (1.1) Maintainer: K. Raju Jampani Author(s): P. D. McNicholas, K. Raju Jampani and Sanjeena Subedi License: GPL-2 Clustering or classification of longitudinal data based on a mixture of multivariate t or Gaussian distributions with a Cholesky-decomposed covariance structure. * OIdata (1.0) Maintainer: Andrew P Bray Author(s): Andrew P Bray and David M Diez License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 A collection of data sets from several sources that may be useful for teaching, practice, or other purposes. Functions have also been included to assist in the retrieval of table data from websites or in visualizing sample data. * ParamHelpers (1.0-55) Maintainer: Bernd Bischl Author(s): Bernd Bischl <bernd_bischl at>, Patrick Koch <patrick.koch at> License: BSD A small package containing useful functions for parameter descriptions and operations in black-optimization, tuning and machine learning. * pkgmaker (0.5.1) Maintainer: Renaud Gaujoux Author(s): Renaud Gaujoux License: GPL (>= 2) This package provides some low-level utilities to use for package development. It currently provides managers for multiple package specific options and registries, vignette, unit test and bibtex related utilities. It serves as a base package for packages like NMF, RcppOctave, doRNG, and as an incubator package for other general purposes utilities, that will eventually be packaged separately. It is still under heavy development and changes in the interface(s) are more than likely to happen. * qtlhot (0.5.2) Maintainer: Brian S. Yandell Author(s): Elias Chaibub Neto <echaibub at> and Brian S Yandell <byandell at> License: GPL (>= 2) Functions to Determine significance of co-mapping trait hotspots * visreg (1.0-0) Maintainer: Patrick Breheny Author(s): Patrick Breheny, Woodrow Burchett License: GPL-2 Provides convenient interface for constructing plots to visualize the fit of regression models arising from a wide variety of models in R (lm, glm, coxph, rlm, gam, locfit, etc.) Updated packages ---------------- adehabitatHR (0.4.2), adehabitatHS (0.3.5), adehabitatLT (0.3.6), adehabitatMA (0.3.4), aqfig (0.3), ARTIVA (1.1), BAS (1.0), BatchExperiments (1.0-528), BatchJobs (1.0-527), bfp (0.0-25), censReg (0.5-12), cloudRmpi (1.2.1), copula (0.99-2), DAAG (1.13), Devore6 (0.6-0), DiceKriging (1.3.3), dmt (0.8.10), ebdbNet (1.2.2), epiR (0.9-43), ergm (3.0-3), ExomeCNV (1.3), fanc (1.1), fanc (1.0), ftsa (3.3), GGally (0.3.3), gmm (1.4-1), googleVis (0.2.16), gss (2.0-10), GWAtoolbox (2.1.2), howmany (0.3-1), iRegression (1.1), isdals (1.0-6), ismev (1.38), IsotopeR (0.4.3), kulife (0.1-11), laeken (0.3.3), lgcp (0.9-4-2), linkcomm (1.0-5), LMERConvenienceFunctions (, lmtest (0.9-30), longclust (1.1), longpower (1.0-2), lqmm (1.01), mada (0.4.1), MAMS (0.2), markdown (0.5), MARSS (2.9), mhurdle (0.1-2), micEcon (0.6-10), mitools (2.2), mixOmics (4.0-2), Mobilize (2.11-1), msir (1.1), ncf (1.1-4), nortest (1.0-2), Ohmage (2.11-1), pencopula (0.3.2), plus (1.0), quantregForest (0.2-3), Rcapture (1.3-1), relaxo (0.1-2), rEMM (1.0-6), rfPermute (1.2), rgr (1.1.7), Rook (1.0-5), rpart (3.1-53), Rssa (0.9.2), scuba (1.5-0), spacom (0.9-4), spsurvey (2.4), stabledist (0.6-4), strucchange (1.4-7), support.CEs (0.2-2), SYNCSA (1.2.1), systemfit (1.1-12), TDMR (0.3.1), WriteXLS (2.1.1) New reviews ----------- * gtools, by jenifferhomes * RSiteSearch, by jenifferhomes * LogicForest, by jenifferhomes * TradeStrategyAnalyzer, by jenifferhomes * DCluster, by jenifferhomes * ICSNP, by jenifferhomes * JavaGD, by jenifferhomes * quantmod, by jenifferhomes * Defaults, by jenifferhomes * wordnet, by jenifferhomes * ggmap, by fiutzi * boot, by jenifferhomes * ccgarch, by jenifferhomes * data.table, by jenifferhomes * GEVcdn, by jenifferhomes This email provided as a service for the R community by Like it? Hate it? Please let us know: cranatic at
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * complex.surv.dat.sim (1.0) Maintainer: David Mori?a Author(s): David Mori?a, Centre Tecnol?gic de Nutrici? i Salut and Albert Navarro, Universitat Aut?noma de Barcelona License: GPL (>= 2) Simulation of complex survival data * EpiEstim (1.0-0) Maintainer: Anne Cori Author(s): Anne Cori <a.cori at> License: GPL (>= 2) This package provides tools to quantify transmissibility throughout an epidemic from the analysis of time series of incidence. * JMLSD (1.0) Maintainer: Emil A. Cornea Author(s): Emil A. Cornea, Liddy M. Chen, Bahjat F. Qaqish, Haitao Chu, and Joseph G. Ibrahim License: GPL-2 The package contains a R-function to perform power calculation for joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data, with k-th order trajectories, when the variance-covariance matrix Sigma_theta is unknown. * mpMap (1.14) Maintainer: Emma Huang Author(s): Emma Huang License: GPL-2 Tools for constructing linkage maps, reconstructing haplotypes, estimating linkage disequilibrium and QTL mapping in multi-parent RIL designs (e.g. MAGIC) * phcfM (1.0) Maintainer: Ghislain Vieilledent Author(s): Ghislain Vieilledent <ghislain.vieilledent at> License: GPL (>= 2) A package for modelling anthropogenic deforestation * qtlnet (1.2.4) Maintainer: Brian S. Yandell Author(s): Elias Chaibub Neto <echaibub at> and Brian S. yandell <yandell at> License: GPL (>= 2) Functions to Simultaneously Infer Causal Graphs and Genetic Architecture * R330 (1.0) Maintainer: Alan Lee Author(s): Alan Lee, Blair Robertson License: GPL-2 This is a collection of useful functions and data for Stats 330 * RIFS (0.1-5) Maintainer: Pavel V. Moskalev Author(s): Pavel V. Moskalev, Alexey G. Bukhovets and Tatyana Ya. Biruchinskay License: GPL-3 RIFS package provides functionality for generating & plotting prefractals in R^n with various protofractal sets and partition coefficient for iterative segments * rriskDistributions (1.7) Maintainer: Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Matthias Greiner Author(s): Natalia Belgorodski (STAT-UP Statistical Consulting, Germany), Matthias Greiner (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany), Kristin Tolksdorf (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany), Katharina Schueller (STAT-UP Statistical Consulting, Germany) License: GPL (>= 3) Collection of functions for fitting distributions to given data or by known quantiles. Two main functions fit.perc() and fit.cont() provide users a GUI that allows to choose a most appropriate distribution without any knowledge of the R syntax. * spclust (1.0) Maintainer: Emma Huang Author(s): Emma Huang License: GPL-2 Selection of subsets of experimental crosses in order to maximize genetic diversity * SteinerNet (1.0) Maintainer: Afshin Sadeghi Author(s): Afshin Sadeghi, Holger Froehlich License: GPL-3 A set of graph functions writen in R to perform steiner tree network data analysis on biological pathway data * Voss (0.1-4) Maintainer: Pavel V. Moskalev Author(s): Pavel V. Moskalev License: GPL-3 Voss package provides functionality for generating realizations of a fractal Brownian function on uniform 1D & 2D grid with classic and generic versions of the Voss algorithm (random sequential additions) Updated packages ---------------- AICcmodavg (1.25), anametrix (0.2), arm (1.5-05), bayesDem (1.7-0), bayesPop (2.0-2), betategarch (1.2), Biograph (2.0.1), bios2mds (1.2.2), CHCN (1.5), countrycode (0.7), crs (0.15-17), cvplogistic (2.1-0), deducorrect (1.2-0), DiceOptim (1.3.1), DiceView (1.2-1), directlabels (2.6), DSL (0.1-2), editrules (2.5-0), faoutlier (0.2.3), fda.usc (0.9.8), ffbase (0.5), fGarch (2110.80.1), forecast (3.22), forensim (3.1), gdata (2.10.0), gdata (2.10.5), gplots (2.11.0), gRim (0.1-9), gWidgetstcltk (0.0-51), gWidgetsWWW (0.0-23), harvestr (0.4), HMPTrees (1.1), iDEMO (0.2-01), IPMpack (1.2), joineR (1.0-2), LaplacesDemon (12.06.04), lazyWeave (2.1.4), leiv (2.0-5), markdown (0.5.1), mc2d (0.1-13), minPtest (1.3), mirt (0.2.5), modelcf (2.1.1), ModelMap (2.3.2), movMF (0.0-1), MultiPhen (0.6), pacose (1.1), partykit (0.1-4), pdfCluster (1.0-0), phyclust (0.1-12), pracma (1.1.0), qvcalc (0.8-8), R2Cuba (1.0-7), rainbow (2.9), relsurv (2.0-3), rgenoud (5.7-8), RghcnV3 (2.9), RHive (0.0-6), Rmosek (1.2.3), robustbase (0.9-2), rrlda (1.1), RXKCD (1.7-3), Rz (0.5-0), Sim.DiffProc (2.5), skmeans (0.2-2), sparkTable (0.9.4), SpatialVx (0.1-2), SPSL (0.1-6), standGL (1.1), stpp (0.3), timeordered (0.9.1), TraMineR (1.8-2), TSodbc (2012.5-1), VennDiagram (1.2.1), x12 (1.0-2) This email provided as a service for the R community by Like it? Hate it? Please let us know: cranatic at