search for: pacos

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 84 matches for "pacos".

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2005 Nov 14
Tidiest way of modifying S4 classes?
I wish to make modifications to the plot.pedigree function in the kinship package. My attempts to contact the maintainer have been unsuccessful, but my question is general, so specifics of the kinship package might not be an issue. My first attempt was to make a new function Plot.pedigree in the .GlobalEnv which mostly achieved what I wanted to. However, I'm sure that's not the tidiest
2003 Apr 22
Default value for title in postscript function
I like the fact that the postscript function enables the possbiility of a more useful title than before. However, I'd prefer the default to be the file name. It's very simple for me to make my own postscript function that does just that simply by setting title = file. I always use onefile = TRUE, so it always works (so far). However, I'm a little reluctant to do that in case some
2003 Apr 22
Default value for title in postscript function
I like the fact that the postscript function enables the possbiility of a more useful title than before. However, I'd prefer the default to be the file name. It's very simple for me to make my own postscript function that does just that simply by setting title = file. I always use onefile = TRUE, so it always works (so far). However, I'm a little reluctant to do that in case some
2005 Jun 06
Strange characters in 2.1.0?
Signif. codes: 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1 Signif. codes: 0 <80><98>***<80><99> 0.001 <80><98>**<80><99> 0.01 <80><98>*<80> <99> 0.05 <80><98>.<80><99> 0.1 <80><98> <80><99> 1 Signif. codes: 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1 hmm... they go away when I
2011 Feb 17
Regresión lineal para una serie temporal
Hola a todos Estoy intentando hacer un análisis rápido de una serie temporal de datos diarios pero me encuentro con algunos problemas. Me gustaría en primera instancia hacer una regresión lineal pero no encuentro la forma. Tras leer los datos diarios creo un objeto de la clase zoo y sobre éste no puedo utilizar lm(). He leído algo sobre dynlm pero no encuentro la forma. Se agradece
2011 Mar 04
Time series analysis for a daily series
Hi everyone I am trying to do some time series analysis with daily temperature data (40 years). I have created a zoo object and ts object but can't apply stl function. It says the series is not periodic or has less than two periods. I've searched through google and found a lot of messages about this problem but not a solution/example to look for trend and seasonal component of a
2011 Mar 04
Análisis de una serie temporal diaria
Hola a todos Estoy tratando de analizaruna serie temporal con datos diarios de temperaturas (40 años). He creado un objeto zoo (con ayuda de la lista, gracias) sobre el que encuentro la regresión lineal. He probado también a crear un objeto ts a partir del zoo. El problema que encuentro es que nose puede aplicar la función stl para hallar la componente estacional y la tendencia. Rdice que la
2007 Jun 08
choppy sound with playback, background, etc... but not with musiconhold
Hello, I have an asterisk 1.2.18 working fine, the only problem is that all applications that play audio, sound like "tremolo" or "vibrato", but musiconhold plays fine. The same audio file (wav, mp3, ...) works fine with Musiconhold() but not with Playback() or Background()... If I move from this system to another asterisk, playback works fine... Do you
2010 Jun 08
Problem installing Rmpi
Hi everyone I want to install Rmpi to use R in parallel mode in a Linux cluster (Ubuntu, Hardy Heron). It seems to be properly installed but a problem appears when loading Rmpi library. R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) > library("Rmpi") Error: package 'Rmpi' was built before R 2.10.0: please re-install it Should I remove R-2.11 and install R-2.10? I have tried to
2011 Jul 13
Extraer datos mensuales de una serie temporal
Hola a todos Estoy intentando extraer un subconjunto de datos de una serie temporal, concretamente quiero extraer los meses de verano de varios años pero no encuentro la manera. Los datos tienen este formato: FECHA;H_SOLAR;DIR_M;DIR_S;VEL_M;VEL_S;VEL_X;U;V;TEMP_M;HR;BAT;PRECIP;RAD;UVA;UVB;FOG;GRID;
2009 Dec 24
Two Easy questions
Sorry all for these two easy questions: First, I have a matrix with trhee columns: A= Name Eight Puntuation Pepe 1,85 10 Paco 1,7 7 Pablo 1,82 6 I want to scatter the two columns (I could use pairs or other functions...) but the only doubt is that I cannot find the way to add in the associated intersection (the point scattered) the label "Pepe" "Paco" and so
2008 Jul 29
About clustering techniques
Hello R users It's some time I am playing with a dataset to do some cluster analysis. The data set consists of 14 columns being geographical coordinates and monthly temperatures in annual files latitutde - longitude - temperature 1 -..... - temperature 12 I have some missing values in some cases, maybe there are 8 monthly valid values at some points with four non valid. I don't want to
2015 Jun 01
extraño error con seq
Estimados colisteros, Acabo de encontrar un extraño error usando la función seq: >seq(from = 0.6 + 0.1, to = 0.7, by = 0.1) [1] 0.7 # todo bien >seq(from = 2.2 + 0.1, to = 2.3, by = 0.1) Error in seq.default(from = 2.2 + 0.1, to = 2.3, by = 0.1) : wrong sign in 'by' argument La ayuda de seq establece que "Specifying to - from and by of opposite signs is an error". Y
2010 Jun 14
Install Rmpi
Hi everyone As I couldn't succeed with manual installation of Rmpi I decided to start again from the beginning. I removed R and MPICH in my Ubuntu Hardy installation. Then, to avoid any dependencies problems I have installed MPICH and R from synaptic, not from sources. But now I can't install Rmpi. An error message appears when trying to install Rmpi, you can find in
2005 Mar 03
Is there a way to find free zap channels on remote servers ??
Hello: I would like to know if there's a way to request free chanels from remote asterisk servers ? My idea is to make an agi returning a dial to inter-asterisk connected servers when there's not enought chanels on local server, maybe like a ping to all of them or maybe requesting to a central server where all the *s send and request information about available chanels each 2 or 3
2005 Apr 22
cygwin + rsync 2.6.3-1
Estimated gurus. I my PC Windows I have installed cygwin and rsync 2.6.3-1. My PC executes -in batch mode-daily rsync with these parameters "--archive --delete --progress --stats" and saves each days results of this process in a log file. Somedays, rsync doesn't run very well. Files aren't copied but in log file appers like all files are being written without any problem.
2020 May 14
rmd y pdf
Estimados quisiera tener el script para al hacer un pdf desde rmarkdown poder modificarle el tamano y tipo de fuente saludos José -- Dr. Jose A. Betancourt Bethencourt Universidad de Ciencias Medicas Carlos j. Finlay
2010 Jan 14
Clustering with clara
Hello everyone I am trying to use CLARA method for finding clusters in my spatial surface temperature data and noticed one problem. My data are in the form lat,lon,temperature. I extract lat,lon and cluster number for each point in the dataset. When I plotted a map of cluster numbers I found empty areas in the map. The point is that the number of points that were assigned a cluster number are
2005 Mar 18
small Local telco (wifi voip) some experiences with * ??
Hello. I would like to know if somebody did a wireles voip with Asterisk PBX. I think to deploy a wireless for about 500 potential customers, it's a 3 km radius maximum coverage with houses without phone lines, I work for public places telephony small enterprises ( a common bussines in Spain) so I can get good rates from 4 telcos and do LCR at my asterisk PBX. Is anybody did this before
2017 May 26
Unir municipios
Fíjate, había visto aggregate del paquete raster, pero lo había excluído porque pensaba que trabajaba sólo con imágenes raster... ¡qué cosas! :) Gracias. Lo miraré. Isidro Hidalgo Arellano Observatorio del Mercado de Trabajo Consejería de Economía, Empresas y Empleo -----Mensaje original----- De: R-help-es [mailto:r-help-es-bounces en] En nombre de