Hello --
I am creating a share directory on a samba server for a group of users. I
would like to make sure:
1. Only the members in that group can create files and subfolders on that
2. Other people cannot have any access to the files/subfolers.
3. The members can have full access to files/directories other members create.
The above requirements seem simple, however, my problem is, because the share
directory is neither under any of the members' home directory nor a seperate
partition, and the system umask is set to 022, which is not supposed to be
changed, whenever a new file is created, it automatically has permission as
-rwxr--r--, not -rwxrwx--- that I desire. I guess my problem is related to how
to file mode creation at a directory level.
The samba version I am running is 3.0.20b and the OS is Solaris/x86.
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