Stephen Akandwanaho wrote:
> I have a problem with my samba in that when run /etc/samba/smb.conf
> ,it brings erros forexample
> /etc/samba/smb.conf command not found
Did you install Samba from the source code, or a package from one of the major
Linux distros? I ran into issues with locations on files when I needed to test a
patch the Samba team gave me to try. I
did not get the compiling environment set just right on Debian, and the
resulting binary was looking for files in default locations and not Debian
locations. For testing I simply made some links, but
I would not suggest such a hack for a real server.
If possible, run from a package. Unless you have settings / configurations you
can not afford to loose, you might try having your package manager
"purge" the package which would remove no only the
binaries, but also the configuration files. At least on Debian that is an
option. When you re-install from that point, it is as if Samba "had never
been on the computer" and it "should" work. ;-)
Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
Remove the upper case letters NOSPAM to contact me directly.