I've been running a network game of Fantasy Grounds on wine for years, and only in the past month I have run into a mysterious problem with networking. Fantasy Grounds requires port 1802 open to run, so I have that properly set up on my port forwarding. And until very recently I always had perfect connections. However, recently, no matter what I do, I can't seem to connect anymore. The port isn't open when I check canyouseeme.org The only possible hint I have is that when I run "sudo netstat -anltp|grep :1802" I get the following output: tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3820/wineserver Is that correct? Shouldn't it be listening on my computer's IP instead of Is there a way to change this, or am I missing the point entirely? I've fiddled with every setting imaginable to try to fix this, except for wine. I haven't changed anything in Ubuntu or on my router from before this problem occurred to now, so I am totally at a loss. Does anyone here have any ideas? Thanks.