Just installed VectorWorks 2010 with wine 1.3 and works brilliantly so far. I get a little artifacting (if that's a real word) when i open vectorworks initially op open a drawing but running the mouse cursor over the drawing area cleans that up. In fact the graphics seems a little slow to update at times like if i give coordinates to a symbol it seems to be one step behind until i cheat the display refresh by clicking a drop down menu. Still this means i have no need for any other operating system besides linux.
After a bit more time plan drawing i've found unsurprisingly my Desktop runs Vectorworks much more nicely than my laptop. The only problems i have now is copy and paste...... kinda works. Once it starts playing up though i can only paste the last thing i copied from a native app. On the up side though copying from a native app INTO vectorworks is a breeze. The other problem is it often crashes when i'm creating or editing text in the drawing space. The work around i've been using is to copy and paste new text in from Open Office each time. Both problems have been submitted as bugs Copy and paste - Bug 24133 Crash while creating or editing text - Bug 24132 Neither of those problems have made drawing full new plans or making touring plans a problem though.