On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 02:03 +0800, Kenige Ho wrote:> > Dear All,
> >
> > I was wondering will there be any problems or changes that I will need
> > to do to compile the current
> > Asterisk(1.2.7)/Zaptel(1.2.5)/Libpri(1.2.2) source from
> > asterisk.org into a 64-bit binaries? I am currently using the
> > following hardware for my new server.
> >
> > CPU: Pentium D 930 3.0 GHz
> > Mobo: Intel D945PSN Motherboard
> > RAM: 512MB 533MHz DDR-2
> > Drive: SATA II Seagate 160GB
> > Card: TE406 Digium Card
> > OS: Fedore Core 5
> Although I don't have any experience with your particular hardware,
> afaik there is no issue with building and running zaptel, libpri and
> asterisk on x86_64 hardware. Works fine for many. You can find (S)RPMs
> at atrpms.net and at laimbock.com/asterisk If you
> search on voip-info.org there are more places where you can find
> packages for FC5. If I may make a suggestion: have you thought about
> getting another harddisk and run the two in a RAID1 setup? The cost of
> the extra harddisk versus the cost of being down on a 4 span card is
> something probably worth considering.
> Regards,
> Patrick
Thank for your reply and advice, Patrick. The reason I didn't add a RAID1 to
the server was that I am not sure if RAID1 on SATA II is stable on FC5 yet
and also since the HDD isn't hotswap (at least i don't think SATA HDD
hotswap). There will always be a downtime for me. And future expansion
will include a standalone mySQL DB for Realtime Asterisk in which many
Asterisk server will point to this mySQL server and get sip users and write
CDRs too. But this is all testing for now. As I will also need to to
deploy a SER to make this all work. But the funny thing is that most of the
hardware now it 64-bit, I would need to find high and low to make sure that
the HCL is good with FC5.
Also for the zaptel driver and sources, I prefer to a compile on it rather
than rpm install. So I wanted to make sure that I wouldn't encounter any
problems with a compile and don't want to waste my hardware purchase. Is
there any special command or switches that I need to add in the make files
to compile to 64-bit? Thank you, Patrick and thanks to everyone that has
taken the time to read my previous email.
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