On Oct 30, 2009, at 3:20 AM, Erwin Panen wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Just recently set-up my first OSOL box, have some Linux background
> but am TOTALLY new to OSOL, so please bear with me.
> I''m looking to expand usage of PM capable hardware (port
> This will allow to add extensive hd''s.
> At the moment I''m using a Sil3132 based PCIe card, which is
> recognized fine. The card is configured to use the esata port on the
> back.
> To this I connect a disk array consisting of maximum 5 hd''s. I can
> see they are recognized and connected because the hd''s
led''s light up.
> (f.y.i. did some testing under linux Ubuntu, connecting this disk
> array to various systems with various chipsets, some support PM
> others don''t - It seems very hard to find information on whether a
> mobo or chipset supports PM yes or no)
Port multiplier support is recent, so you will need to start with a
later build.
I don''t think 2009.06 had any port multiplier support. You will want
to upgrade
to a later dev release, like b125 -- use the dev repository.
> My question:
> I''m used to doing a ''tail -f /var/log/dmesg or messages
to see
> ''live'' messages when plugging / unplugging USB or eSATA
The location of the messages file is set in the syslog.conf. For
Solaris/SunOS, it has been /var/adm/messages since a decade before
Linux existed. Perhaps there should be a trivia question to answer
who decided /var/adm vs /var/log... BSD? :-)
> What command do I use to do the same with OSOL?
tail -f /var/adm/messages
> I feel this is basic before endavouring in experimenting with ZFS?
It can be useful. Also know that the dmesg command shows the abbreviated
list. You will also want to know about cfgadm, which is useful for
the status of removable devices.
-- richard