After using the winebottler wine comb to install steam, it doesn't appear to have created the ~/.wine folder inside of which it places the windows /C: directory. It successfully installed the steam program somewhere because I can open it in the File Manager. How do I find out where it placed the .wine folder?
.....and subsequently the /C: directory?
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Skunks <wineforum-user at> wrote:> .....and subsequently the /C: directory?winebottler is not supported here. John
Wine is part of the wine bottler combo. I think, though I'm not sure that my question only pertains to the
A lot of people get confused about this... WineBottler comes with a separate app called and people think is not supported and assume is normal Wine which is... but it is not. that comes with WineBottler is part of WineBottler.