txclimbr wrote:> I have been trying to get the SW:TOR loader to function in wine 1.3, on
linux mint 9 most of the day it loads into wine just fine, but everytime i mouse
over the SW:TOR loader it disappears. I have had WoW running in wine years ago.
> In winecfg i have the graphics settings as follows:
> Automatically capture mouse - checked
> Allow the window manager to decorate the windows - checked
> Allow the window manager to control the windows - checked
> These are just the settings they are on currently i have tried all
combinations of configurations with these settings.
> Direct 3d vertex shader support is using Hardware
> Allow Pixel SHader is checked..
> Also i went through and loaded Directx9 in wine in an attempt to get the
SW:TOR loader stable as well.
> Im pretty much about to give up on this as i have my windows laptop
downloading the beta tester now, but i would much rather play this on my
> Any suggestions from anyone would be appreciated.
> Thanks :)
your running into the known bug with cursors...
This is all documented in the AppDB entry if you read it...
here is the bug though, the attached patch in it fixes the problem