Hey, I'm new to wine and recently installed in an attempt to run windows games off of my mac laptop. I've had some degree of success recently (largely in that I've been able to install and play some games) with some help from other sources. However, Recently I've run into an problem that I'm not quite sure how to solve. I'm trying to install an English Patch for the visual novel Saya no Uta. The game runs in Japanese and I've set it up to function as such. I also have the translation patch downloaded, which includes a .dll, .exe, .pak, and folder file in it. According to the readme document, I have to "extract _patch.pak, saya.exe, system.dll, and \cg\ (all of which are contained in this archive) to the directory of your existing installation of the original Japanese game. In most cases, this should be C:\Program Files\NitroPlus\?6n." I'm not entirely sure how I would go about doing this; any help would be greatly appreciated.[/b]