I am new to wine and would like some tips on what a good graphics card for gaming on wine would be. I don't play the latest on greatest by any means but my current card (x1950 Pro) won't even run HL 2 (I assume because of the crap drivers). I am looking for a cheap switch/upgrade. I am been looking at this card]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121353&cm_re=GT240-_-14-121-353-_-Product . Can anyone tell me if they have had a good experience with this card? Is there about better/more supported card in the same price range I should look into? Also in case it matters I am running the newest build of Arch linux with the lastest version of WINE.
I have a gt240, and it's a good very-low-end gaming card, doesn't require a big power supply. You wouldn't get it if you were a serious gamer, as it only delivers framerates of 20 or 30 on a lot of games. On the other hand, it doesn't suffer from first-frame-stutter as badly as the 400 (Fermi) series nvidia cards (the newer cards seem to take longer to warm up shaders on first use on linux). It's kind of obsolete now, you can buy them for $60 or so, so it's kind of hard to go too far wrong with it.