I'm running wine-1.3.12 on Fedora 14 and I found out that, since the last
update, wine has issues when additional .ttf files are put in windows/fonts
directory - wine picks them as a default font for GUI rendering. I tried putting
in/out several different ttf files, and the results were mixed. Sometimes the
font was picked. Sometimes ignored. And sometimes it caused wine to miss the
built-in tahoma font, so GUI rendered in Lucida Console.
For me, this is quite an issue because I run Guitar Pro 5, which installs a
'Guitar Pro 5.ttf' font. The result is all my panels having musical
notes instead of text, which isn't terribly usable [Laughing]
My question is: is it a bug or is there something I missed? Anyone else
experienced this?
Thx for any info.