Hi, This is the first time I've tried WINE. Please see my sig for details of my install. All I'm looking for here is confirmation that I should go ahead and post a "Garbage" vote on the Wine AppDB. Civ3 installs fine from the CD using: Code: DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/X11/lib:/usr/lib" wine Setup.exe I then run the patch installer with: Code: DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/X11/lib:/usr/lib" wine Civilization3.exe which runs without problems. However, when I then navigate to the install folder, and execute: Code: DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/X11/lib:/usr/lib" wine Civilization3.exe I consistently get the following error in a window:> The program Civilization3.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close.In the Terminal, I get the following: Code: err:wincodecs:IcnsEncoder_CreateInstance Trying to save ICNS picture, but ICNS support is not compiled in. fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no instance created for interface {00000103-a8f2-4877-ba0a-fd2b6645fb94} of class {312fb6f1-b767-409d-8a6d-0fc154d4f05c}, hres is 0x80004005 err:menubuilder:convert_to_native_icon error 0x80004005 creating bitmap encoder . . . err:wincodecs:IcnsEncoder_CreateInstance Trying to save ICNS picture, but ICNS support is not compiled in. fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no instance created for interface {00000103-a8f2-4877-ba0a-fd2b6645fb94} of class {312fb6f1-b767-409d-8a6d-0fc154d4f05c}, hres is 0x80004005 err:menubuilder:convert_to_native_icon error 0x80004005 creating bitmap encoder wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x46c61008 at address 0x54287f (thread 001d), starting debugger... wine: Unhandled exception 0x80000003 at address 0x5972a8 (thread 0009), starting debugger... 0x005972a8: int $3 Modules: Module Address Debug info Name (161 modules) ELF 0- 6101000 Stabs <wine-loader> PE 400000- 8a5000 Deferred civilization3 PE 10000000-100cf000 Deferred ~df394b.tmp PE 30000000-30059000 Deferred binkw32 PE 40000000-40148000 Stabs libwine.1.dylib PE 40148000-40179000 Deferred libgl.1.dylib PE 40179000-401ea000 Deferred libglu.1.dylib PE 401ea000-401ff000 Deferred libxplugin.1.dylib PE 401ff000-4020f000 Deferred libxext.6.dylib PE 4020f000-40325000 Deferred libx11.6.dylib PE 40325000-4032c000 Deferred libxdmcp.6.dylib PE 4032c000-40331000 Deferred libxau.6.dylib ELF 4038a000-403a5000 Deferred version<elf> \-PE 40390000-403a2000 \ version PE 403a5000-403ae000 Deferred libsm.6.dylib PE 403ae000-403c6000 Deferred libice.6.dylib ELF 40782000-407ff000 Deferred advapi32<elf> \-PE 40790000-407d9000 \ advapi32 ELF 41a82000-41ac6000 Deferred winspool<elf> \-PE 41a90000-41ab8000 \ winspool PE 41ac6000-41af6000 Deferred libfontconfig.1.dylib ELF 41d00000-41e6e000 Deferred user32<elf> \-PE 41d10000-41e06000 \ user32 ELF 41e6e000-41f1f000 Deferred gdi32<elf> \-PE 41e70000-41ee7000 \ gdi32 ELF 41f1f000-41fc3000 Deferred winmm<elf> \-PE 41f30000-41fb0000 \ winmm ELF 4355a000-43676000 Deferred opengl32<elf> \-PE 43560000-43603000 \ opengl32 ELF 43676000-4375d000 Deferred comdlg32<elf> \-PE 43680000-43736000 \ comdlg32 ELF 4375d000-437f4000 Deferred shlwapi<elf> \-PE 43760000-437b9000 \ shlwapi ELF 44000000-44253000 Deferred shell32<elf> \-PE 44010000-441e9000 \ shell32 ELF 44253000-44384000 Deferred comctl32<elf> \-PE 44260000-4433d000 \ comctl32 PE 44384000-443fb000 Deferred libfreetype.6.dylib ELF 44819000-448fd000 Deferred winex11<elf> \-PE 44820000-448b6000 \ winex11 ELF 44b00000-44b28000 Deferred imm32<elf> \-PE 44b10000-44b20000 \ imm32 PE 44b28000-44b2c000 Deferred libxinerama.1.dylib PE 44b2c000-44b32000 Deferred libxxf86vm.1.dylib PE 44b32000-44b3c000 Deferred libxrender.1.dylib PE 44b3c000-44b45000 Deferred libxrandr.2.dylib PE 44b45000-44b50000 Deferred libxcursor.1.dylib PE 44b50000-44b57000 Deferred libxfixes.3.dylib PE 44baf000-44bdb000 Deferred glrendererfloat ELF 44c14000-44c53000 Deferred uxtheme<elf> \-PE 44c20000-44c48000 \ uxtheme ELF 44c53000-44c72000 Deferred spoolss<elf> \-PE 44c60000-44c6c000 \ spoolss PE 44d79000-44f23000 Deferred glengine PE 44f23000-4530a000 Deferred atiradeonx3000gldriver ELF 453b1000-453d8000 Deferred localspl<elf> \-PE 453c0000-453d1000 \ localspl ELF 4569a000-45740000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf> \-PE 456a0000-45706000 \ rpcrt4 ELF 46800000-46982000 Deferred ole32<elf> \-PE 46810000-468fb000 \ ole32 ELF 7b800000-7b9c5000 Stabs kernel32<elf> \-PE 7b810000-7b977000 \ kernel32 ELF 7bc00000-7bce8000 Stabs ntdll<elf> \-PE 7bc10000-7bc97000 \ ntdll PE 9050a000-90555000 Deferred libvdsp.dylib PE 90779000-9095d000 Deferred libicucore.a.dylib PE 90a07000-90a2c000 Deferred libexpat.1.dylib PE 90a6a000-90a7e000 Deferred libcsync.a.dylib PE 90a6a000-90a7e000 Deferred libcsync.a.dylib PE 90a79000-90ae0000 Deferred familycontrols PE 90a79000-90ae0000 Deferred familycontrols PE 90c59000-90d31000 Deferred ink PE 90daf000-90dd1000 Deferred speechsynthesis PE 90ef2000-90fce000 Deferred launchservices PE 9102a000-91095000 Deferred metadata PE 9210e000-929c5000 Deferred coregraphics PE 928fe000-92a94000 Deferred audiotoolbox PE 92c0b000-92d51000 Deferred libfontparser.dylib PE 92c0b000-92d51000 Deferred libfontparser.dylib PE 92d45000-930c7000 Deferred foundation PE 92d45000-930c7000 Deferred foundation PE 931a8000-93261000 Deferred securityfoundation PE 93cbd000-93cf9000 Deferred dictionaryservices PE 93ce4000-93cf1000 Deferred opendirectory PE 93ce4000-93cf1000 Deferred opendirectory PE 93ea4000-93eac000 Deferred help PE 93ec7000-93efd000 Deferred corevideo PE 9406a000-9407c000 Deferred carbonsound PE 9407d000-9417f000 Deferred libiconv.2.dylib PE 9454c000-9456f000 Deferred libpng.dylib PE 9454c000-9456f000 Deferred libpng.dylib PE 9476f000-94778000 Deferred libgfxshared.dylib PE 9476f000-94778000 Deferred libgfxshared.dylib PE 94774000-94bcc000 Deferred libblas.dylib PE 94b8b000-94b99000 Deferred commonpanels PE 94b8b000-94b99000 Deferred commonpanels PE 9513e000-95366000 Deferred libsystem.b.dylib PE 952e6000-952f6000 Deferred libkxld.dylib PE 952f3000-952f6000 Deferred veclib PE 952f4000-95307000 Deferred speechrecognition PE 95312000-953d7000 Deferred printcore PE 9568c000-9569f000 Deferred libz.1.dylib PE 9569b000-956a2000 Deferred securityhi PE 95f7f000-95fab000 Deferred openscripting PE 95fd6000-96591000 Deferred liblapack.dylib PE 96443000-96569000 Deferred desktopservicespriv PE 96593000-96929000 Deferred carboncore PE 969f0000-96aa4000 Deferred searchkit PE 96a71000-96a9d000 Deferred directoryservice PE 96aa7000-96ad1000 Deferred libresolv.9.dylib PE 96aa7000-96ad1000 Deferred libresolv.9.dylib PE 96b26000-96b43000 Deferred libbsm.0.dylib PE 96b26000-96b43000 Deferred libbsm.0.dylib PE 96d09000-96d34000 Deferred libjpeg.dylib PE 96d09000-96d34000 Deferred libjpeg.dylib PE 96d2f000-97193000 Deferred hitoolbox PE 97198000-971e3000 Deferred ae PE 971e5000-9720f000 Deferred opencl PE 971e5000-9720f000 Deferred opencl PE 971e5000-9720f000 Deferred opencl PE 972e0000-97331000 Deferred libglu.dylib PE 97507000-9751d000 Deferred opengl PE 97516000-975fd000 Deferred colorsync PE 975c7000-975f0000 Deferred cfopendirectory PE 9768a000-9775f000 Deferred qd PE 9768a000-9775f000 Deferred qd PE 977de000-97809000 Deferred imagecapture PE 977de000-97809000 Deferred imagecapture PE 97905000-97918000 Deferred diskarbitration PE 97910000-9797c000 Deferred navigationservices PE 97954000-9796b000 Deferred libsasl2.2.dylib PE 97994000-97aea000 Deferred libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib PE 97a99000-97b50000 Deferred kerberos PE 97b32000-97b51000 Deferred multitouchsupport PE 97b9e000-97be4000 Deferred libcups.2.dylib PE 97c0b000-97c74000 Deferred passwordserver PE 97c0b000-97c74000 Deferred passwordserver PE 97cec000-97cf2000 Deferred libmathcommon.a.dylib PE 984a4000-984dd000 Deferred libglimage.dylib PE 98587000-985ba000 Deferred libxslt.1.dylib PE 985b0000-989eb000 Deferred quartzcore PE 985b0000-989eb000 Deferred quartzcore PE 985b0000-989eb000 Deferred quartzcore PE 98a35000-98abb000 Deferred htmlrendering PE 98a9a000-98aa9000 Deferred print PE 98a9a000-98aa9000 Deferred print PE 98c19000-98c1e000 Deferred trustevaluationagent PE 98ced000-98dae000 Deferred libobjc.a.dylib PE 98da8000-98e41000 Deferred coretext PE 98e0a000-98e12000 Deferred libcorevmclient.dylib PE 98e49000-98e4f000 Deferred libradiance.dylib PE 98e4c000-98ef8000 Deferred coreaudio PE 98f08000-98f22000 Deferred libgl.dylib PE 98f14000-9903f000 Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib PE 98f14000-9903f000 Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib PE 98f14000-9903f000 Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib PE 99162000-99168000 Deferred audiounit PE 99260000-9959e000 Deferred security PE 996cc000-996ea000 Deferred langanalysis PE 9992f000-99a58000 Deferred osservices Threads: process tid prio (all id:s are in hex) 00000008 (D) C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Civilization3.exe 00000009 0 <=0000000e services.exe 00000014 0 00000010 0 0000000f 0 00000011 winedevice.exe 00000018 0 00000017 0 00000013 0 00000012 0 0000001e explorer.exe 0000001f 0 00000020 ~f39a36.tmp 00000024 0 00000021 0 Backtrace: =>0 0x005972a8 in civilization3 (+0x1972a8) (0x0032fee8) 1 0x7b84fec7 _start_process+0x66() in kernel32 (0x0032ff28) 2 0x7bc6460c _call_thread_func+0xb() in ntdll (0x0032ff48) 3 0x7bc657ea _call_thread_entry_point+0x79() in ntdll (0x0032ffc8) 4 0x7bc3dcce _start_process+0x1d() in ntdll (0x0032ffe8) So far as I can ascertain from the WINE forums, the ICNS errors (which I have trimmed with "...") are not responsible. Is it safe, then, to report to the AppDB that Civ3 1.29f is "Garbage" on 10.6.5 with WINE 1.3.10? Apologies for any failures in forum protocol. SiR G.
2011-Jan-02 21:22 UTC
[Wine] Re: Civilization 3 1.29f on OS X crashes on launch
As my sig doesn't seem to have propagated yet, here are my system details: OS X 10.6.5, WINE 1.3.10 compiled manually with none of the additional dependencies and the latest Xcode &: Code: export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/X11/include " LDFLAGS="-L/usr/X11/lib " LDFLAGS+="-framework CoreServices -lz -L/usr/X11/lib - lGL -lGLU " export LDFLAGS ./configure make install
James McKenzie
2011-Jan-02 23:43 UTC
[Wine] Civilization 3 1.29f on OS X crashes on launch
On 1/2/11 2:19 PM, SiRGadaBout wrote:> Hi, > > This is the first time I've tried WINE. Please see my sig for details of my install. All I'm looking for here is confirmation that I should go ahead and post a "Garbage" vote on the Wine AppDB. > > Civ3 installs fine from the CD using: > > > Code: > DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/X11/lib:/usr/lib" wine Setup.exe > > > > I then run the patch installer with: > > > Code: > DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/X11/lib:/usr/lib" wine Civilization3.exe > > > > which runs without problems. However, when I then navigate to the install folder, and execute: > > > Code: > DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/X11/lib:/usr/lib" wine Civilization3.exe > > > > I consistently get the following error in a window: > > >> The program Civilization3.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. > > In the Terminal, I get the following: > > > Code: > err:wincodecs:IcnsEncoder_CreateInstance Trying to save ICNS picture, but ICNS support is not compiled in.You need to compile and install libicns 0.7.1, which requires libpng12. Otherwise you will get the error and that may be the source of what is causing the crash. James McKenzie
James Mckenzie
2011-Jan-03 19:48 UTC
[Wine] Civilization 3 1.29f on OS X crashes on launch
SiRGadaBout <wineforum-user at winehq.org> wrote:> >> Have you removed any sort of copy protection from it? It won't work on OS X. > >appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=6130&iTestingId=56103 >Are there results for MacOSX? Most of the results are for Linux.>There's no mention there of any requirement to remove copy protection.Linux installs, for some reason, don't need this.>However, seeing as you ask (presumably that's what you're asking, your brevity makes it a little ambiguous) I did try >launching the game through a No-CD crack (that I know to work on Windows XP, having used it previously) also, with the >same result.NoCD cracks are not the same as removing copy protection, in most cases. However, if you did do this and the program still crashes, then the problem may be elsewhere.> >For the record, I have also "make uninstall"ed WINE 1.3.10 and deleted the .wine directory, and started from scratch by >compiling and "make install"ing 1.2.2 (the latest stable code) and re-installing Civ3, with the same result as in my OP. >Actually, you did the opposite of what is recommended. Can you remove 1.2.2 and re-install 1.3.10?>I may have to PM the guy who claims Civ3 works on 10.6.x, and ask how he accomplished this.This may be the best course of action. Please advise if you have success with what the guy recommends. James McKenzie