A call for those ati-experimented wine gamers, which version would be the best for wine? I'm currently using ubuntu 10.10 default for them (catalyst 10.10 too), but perfomance is so low...I know ATI is not in love with wine, but at least I want to test the best posibility out there. My card is a hd 5470 mobility, help is appreciated.
On 12/14/10 1:10 PM, Eclipse wrote:> A call for those ati-experimented wine gamers, which version would be the best for wine? > > I'm currently using ubuntu 10.10 default for them (catalyst 10.10 too), but perfomance is so low...I know ATI is not in love with wine, but at least I want to test the best posibility out there.You'll have to try this for yourself by visiting the AMD/ATI site and getting the older drivers. James McKenzie
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