2010-Mar-06 11:36 UTC
[Wine] StarCraft beta downloader folder dialog issues, how to solve
Well, I found this bug with WINE's folder dialog returning something that the StarCraft beta downloader does not expect. So no matter what folder I chose to save the game in it said "Invalid path chosen! Please choose again." But I can't report it in a useful manner because the beta downloader should not be legally shared. But I was able to bypass this bug by modifying the registry in a way that the downloader won't require to open this faulty dialog again. So, I am posting this just in case someone else gets the same problem: Create a new text file: Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Downloader\0D64A300411C734A612FFF97CDCD694D2864EDD5] "Path"="Z:\\home\\linuxusername\\Downloads" Modify "path" to your needs, save it as blizz.reg then go to wine registry editor and import the new registry file.
2010-Mar-06 22:47 UTC
[Wine] Re: StarCraft beta downloader folder dialog issues, how to solve
When i try to import the file into the registy, nothing happens. I still cant Install SC2 Beta. What else did you do ?
2010-Mar-06 23:17 UTC
[Wine] Re: StarCraft beta downloader folder dialog issues, how to solve
seems that updating to the latest unstable version of wine lets you install SC2 :)
2010-Mar-06 23:43 UTC
[Wine] Re: StarCraft beta downloader folder dialog issues, how to solve
hmnn probably it also needs a folder called: "StarCraft II Beta enUS 13891 Installer" inside the folder you put as "Path" Just in case create the following empty files: Installer.exe.part Installer Tome 1.MPQ.part Installer UI 1.MPQ.part Installer UI 2.MPQ.part