mmm i could be wrong, but doesn't tortoise svn act as a shell extension? if
it's the case i don't think it integrates with kde as your son expects.
There are currently some kde svn clients that, even when they're not as easy
or integrated with the shell as tortoise, they do they job :)
On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 12:11 PM, nadrach <wineforum-user at>
> After a recent reload with Kubuntu Hardy 8.04, my son and I are having some
> success with wine and M$ games/programs, mostly by bloodymindedness and the
> occasional foulup - losing sound intermittently was unexpected, although
> this may be due to the presence of an Audigy sound card, which despite
> recognised and configured, nevertheless is not currently providing sound
> output - the main board is. However, one of the utilities he wants is
> Tortoise SVN, a version control facility which provides access to some
> patches. It only comes as an ".msi" file, a windows shell
extension. Wine
> doesn't like this directly through a console command - if it can be
> is there a method written up anywhere?
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