Can we for syslinux 4.05 look to improve the LUA scripting functionality ?
Functionality we are looking for is:
- accessing filesystem (ext2, fat)
- alternatively, access network services (tftp, ftp, http)
- creating menu's from LUA
- alternatively, generating and reloading syslinux.cfg
The use-case would be to create a lua-script that, on boot, can scan eg. a
USB-stick for its content and based on that provide a syslinux menu. For
the Open Source ReaR project (a disaster-recovery product) we would like
to use syslinux so that the product can store more than one recovery image
(multiple systems, multiple timestamps) to the USB stick and on boot the
syslinux LUA script will generate a menu on the fly to recover a system
using one of these images.
Something similar could be possible when the images are in fact stored on
the network (TFTP, FTP, HTTP/DAV ?) instead. An image is typically between
25MB and 50MB depending on the backup scenario. This would enable an
automatic network disaster recovery service.
Another use-case is to have a LUA script that scans media for certain
standardizes directory-layout, eg. rescue images (rip, systemrescuecd),
firmware, distro installers, ...) and based on the existence shows them in
a menu. Such a standardized layout makes it possible for people to
simply copy a directory on a stick to have it added to the framework.
Kind regards,
-- dag wieers, dag at wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/
-- dagit linux solutions, info at dagit.net, http://dagit.net/
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]