This is fine for a standalone server.
"workgroup = " simply defines the name of the workgroup of your
You can set it to whatever you like, SAMBAGRP is fine, most windows
machines use WORKGROUP or MSHOME for example.
Dans sa grande sagesse, Cao, Minh a ?crit, le 29.03.2008 19:10
:> Hi,
> I saw this setup on the web .. is this looks right to you ?
> The security set to user level, which use linux samba local login and
> password.
> Why this needs to set workgroup = SAMBAGRP ?
> [global]
> workgroup = SAMBAGRP
> security = user
> passdb backend = tdbsam
> Thanks
Oliver Henriot, UMS MI2S, mi2s.imag.fr
Moyens Informatiques et Multim?dia
Domaine universitaire BP53 / 38041 Grenoble cedex 9 / France
tel.: +33 4 76 51 43 48 fax: +33 4 76 51 47 15
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