2007-Nov-19 02:23 UTC
[Samba] Different printer drivers requesting different credentials
Greetings, This is an extenuation of "Non-registry problem: Slow printing" See: fast printer drivers loglvl=3 slow printer drivers loglvl=3 fast printer drivers loglvl=9 slow printer drivers loglvl=9 the smb.conf in use I have a sample Windows XP/SP2 client trying to print through a samba-3.0.24 server as configured in the smb.conf above. When I configure with a Microsoft driver (AGFA-Accuset v52.3), I can add and select the printer quickly (see quick.3.bz2 and quick.9.bz2). When I configure with a non Microsoft Driver (HP LaserJet 2420 PCL5e), adding and selecting the printer take up to 30 seconds longer than the other driver. (after taking acount of different pids and pnums), when I diff quick.3 and slow.3, I notice things start to get funky: < Domain=[] NativeOS=[Windows 2002 Service Pack 2 2600] NativeLanMan=[Windows 2002 5.1] PrimaryDomain=[] --- > Domain=[CLIENT] NativeOS=[Windows 2002 Service Pack 2 2600] NativeLanMan=[Windows 2002 5.1] PrimaryDomain=[] 2834c2834 < sesssetupX:name=[]\[]@[CLIENT_IP] --- > sesssetupX:name=[CLIENT]\[Chris]@[CLIENT_IP] 2916c2916 < check_ntlm_password: Checking password for unmapped user [FUZZBALL]\[guest]@[CLIENT_IP] with the new password interface --- > check_ntlm_password: Checking password for unmapped user [CLIENT]\[chris]@[CLIENT_IP] with the new password interface (where CLIENT is the name and CLIENT_IP is the IP address of the XP client). Since they are using the SAME smb.conf and the same XP configuration for EVERYTHING except the driver (and yes, I'm using the same printer, just different drivers for it), I'm forced to conclude that the driver is having some effect on the order in which things are tried for authentication. In this particular configuration, we're doing guest-only so I am asserting that the "quick" is the expected order. Why would some drivers (those not provided by Microsoft?) authenticate against the client name with the logged in user? Moreover, since this seems to add 30 seconds to the process, is there anyway I can stop it? This is causing MAJOR unhappiness at my site (rioting in the streets). Does anybody know what's going on here? (Thanks, Dale for helping me clean up other problems in my smb.conf!) --Chris