Gabriel Tabares-Barreiro
2007-Apr-26 10:15 UTC
[Samba] Winbind: limiting groups that can log-in
Hi, I am currently trying to configure AD (Windows 2003) + Linux (CentOS 4.4) to allow user logins for certain users, namely, developers. The winbind authentication part of it is working correctly, but every user in AD can login to the servers via ssh. I have tried to limit users by adding valid_users = @"domain+developers" (+ is the separator) on /etc/samba/smb.conf, but this does not seem to work for authentication. As a workaround, I can limit access to groups by adding account required file=/etc/samba/allowed_groups item=group sense=allow onerr=fail to pam.d/sshd (/etc/samba/allowed_groups contains "developers"), but it does not seem to get the group from AD, so no remote users can login. Is there any way to map windows groups to unix groups without installing SFU? I only want to map one group, so getting the data directly from AD shouldn't be a problem. Thanks Gabriel ________________________________________________________________________ This e-mail and its attachments are confidential. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail message, please telephone or e-mail us immediately, delete this message from your system and do not read, copy, distribute, disclose or otherwise use this e-mail message and any attachments. Although RI3K believes this e-mail and any attachments to be free of any virus or other defect which may affect your computer, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and RI3K does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage in any way from its use. RI3K Limited is a company registered in England no: 3909745. Registered office 10, Ely Place, London, EC1N 6RY. VAT registration no: 769 0192 07 RI3K Asia Pte Ltd is a company registered in Singapore no. 200100326R. Registered address 50, Raffles Place, #24-05 Singapore Land Tower, Singapore 048623
For offline file support, I check "csc policy" parameter. It has 4 parameters. but,I can not find how each parameter work (except disable). I read source program. Each parameter has 0-3 value in param/loadparm.c . And it use rpc_rpcserver/srv_srvsvc_nt.c (may be only).But I can't found each parameter value means. Does nyone know each parameter mean(work)? -- --- Oota Toshiya --- oota at NEC Computers Software Operations Unit Shiba,Minato,Tokyo Open Source Software Platform Development Division Japan,Earth,Solar system (samba-jp/ldap-jp Staff,mutt-j admin,analog-jp/samba-jp postmaster)