Please ignore this posting I was able to correct the problem by
stopping and starting the ldap.client scripts in /etc/rc2.d
On Apr 3, 2006, at 2:42 PM, Anna Barnes wrote:
> Hi sorry if this is the wrong place to post but I'm not sure where
> to go to and I'm a bit desperate.
> We just brought our Sunfire 6800 server and Storedge 9960 RAID
> array Solaris 8 back up after some maintenance and everything came
> back up 'clean' but I cannot get our SAMBA software to recognise
> any users or directories when logging in remotely from an apple or
> windows box.
> Here's what I've tried already.
> If I try and mount one of the direcotries on our apple boxes I get
> an error message saying SAMBA alias could not be opened becasue the
> original item could not be found.
> If I try and modify a users password on the unix server I get
> ./smbpasswd abarnes
> ldap_connect_system: Binding to ldap server as
> New SMB password:
> Retype new SMB password:
> ldap_connect_system: Binding to ldap server as
> ldap_connect_system: Binding to ldap server as
> No user to modify!
> Password changed for user abarnes.
> Failed to modify entry for user abarnes.
> Failed to modify password entry for user abarnes
> And if I try to verify a user password with ./smbclient -U abarnes -
> L localhost I get
> session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
> after I enter the password.
> Here also is the smb.conf file
> [global]
> # ldap
> ldap server =
> ldap port = 389
> ldap suffix = ou=People,dc=fmri,dc=columbia,dc=edu
> ldap admin dn =
> uid=admin,ou=Administrators,ou=TopologyManagement,o=NetscapeRoot
> ldap ssl = no
> # logging
> log level = 2
> log file = /var/samba/log/log.%m
> max log size = 500
> # domain
> workgroup = fmrildap
> preferred master = no
> domain master = no
> domain logons = no
> netbios name = samba
> server string = fmri samba server
> os level = 255
> SO_SNDBUF=8192
> # authentication
> security = user
> encrypt passwords = yes
> wins support = yes
> locking = yes
> dns proxy = no
> [netlogon]
> comment = network logon service
> path = /etc/fmri/samba/netlogon
> guest ok = yes
> share modes = no
> [homes]
> path = /home/%u
> comment = home directories
> read only = no
> create mode = 0750
> directory mode = 0750
> case sensitive = no
> follow symlinks = no
> [share]
> comment = shared directories
> path = /share
> read only = no
> createmode = 0775
> directory mode = 0775
> case sensitive = no
> follow symlinks = no
> [data]
> comment = data directories
> path = /data
> read only = no
> create mode = 0775
> directory mode = 0775
> case sensitive = no
> follow symlinks = yes
> [data_export]
> comment = data directories
> path = /export/data
> read only = no
> create mode = 0775
> directory mode = 0775
> case sensitive = no
> follow symlinks = yes
> this is the entry in the log.samba file
> [2006/04/03 14:03:24, 0] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:ldap_connect_system(316)
> ldap_connect_system: Binding to ldap server as
> "uid=admin,ou=Administrators,ou=TopologyManagement,o=Nets
> capeRoot"
> [2006/04/03 14:03:24, 2] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:ldap_connect_system(331)
> ldap_connect_system: succesful connection to the LDAP server
> [2006/04/03 14:03:24, 2] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:ldap_search_one_user(343)
> ldap_search_one_user: searching for:[(&(uid=abarnes)
> (objectclass=sambaAccount))]
> Anna Barnes (PhD)
> fMRI Research Laboratory
> Department of Radiology
> Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
> 710 W168th St
> New York, NY10032
> +1212 342 0293
> --
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