I just recently installed a second hard drive in my Samba server with the hopes of sharing it with the rest of my home network. It seems like Samba can not get the correct permissions to the drive, however. I have the drive mounted under /media/public, and when I try to map a share directly to it and open the share with a client, I get an NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME error. When I map the share to /media and try the client again, I can see the cdrom folder, but not public. I have also tried scp and ftp using /media/public, and they both work fine, so it doesn't seem like a common case of poor permission settings. Has anyone else ever experienced this or know of a possible cause? I'm running Fedora Core 4 if that helps. Thanks in advance, Justin McCullough
I installed a second hard drive on my Samba server box with the hopes of creating a share for the rest of my home network. It doesn't seem like Samba is able to read the drive for some reason, however. The new drive is mounted on /media/public. When I create a share directly to the drive and try to connect through the smbclient, I get an NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME error. Moving the share up a level to /media allows smbclient to connect, but the public folder does not even appear and trying to cd into it returns an NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED message. The drive itself seems fine as I'm able to write to it using any of my accounts directly and I can ftp and scp into it, so I am completely stumped. Does any one else have any experience with this or know what may be the cause? I'm running Fedora Core 4 by the way, if that helps. Thanks in advance, Justin McCullough
Justin McCullough wrote:> I just recently installed a second hard drive in my Samba server with > the hopes of sharing it with the rest of my home network. It seems > like Samba can not get the correct permissions to the drive, however. > I have the drive mounted under /media/public, and when I try to map a > share directly to it and open the share with a client, I get an > NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME error. When I map the share to /media and > try the client again, I can see the cdrom folder, but not public. I > have also tried scp and ftp using /media/public, and they both work > fine, so it doesn't seem like a common case of poor permission > settings. Has anyone else ever experienced this or know of a possible > cause? I'm running Fedora Core 4 if that helps. > > Thanks in advance, > Justin McCullough >Have you exported the new drive under NFS yet? Joe
At 03:10 PM 2/3/2006 +0000, Joe Cipale wrote:>Justin McCullough wrote: > >>I just recently installed a second hard drive in my Samba server with >>the hopes of sharing it with the rest of my home network. It seems like >>Samba can not get the correct permissions to the drive, however. I have >>the drive mounted under /media/public, and when I try to map a share >>directly to it and open the share with a client, I get an >>NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME error. When I map the share to /media and >>try the client again, I can see the cdrom folder, but not public. I have >>also tried scp and ftp using /media/public, and they both work fine, so >>it doesn't seem like a common case of poor permission settings. Has >>anyone else ever experienced this or know of a possible cause? I'm >>running Fedora Core 4 if that helps. >> >>Thanks in advance, >>Justin McCullough >Have you exported the new drive under NFS yet?Done what now? Under Samba? To access it from an NT box?? I never have done any exporting. Just declare it a share in my samba conf file and -- oh yeah! You have to restart the daemons! rcsmb restart (or reload? never can remember) rcnmb restart Silly thing won't reload the conf file until you do that.>Joe >-- >To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the >instructions: lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba[Warfare] "Tuez-les tous; Dieu reconnai^tra les siens." (More literally, this is "Kill them all; God will recognize his own.") ? Amalric Arnaud, during the seige of Be'ziers (1209 AD)? --... ...-- -.. . -. ----. --.- --.- -... tpeters@nospam.mixcom.com (remove "nospam") N9QQB (amateur radio) "HEY YOU" (loud shouting) WEB ADDRESS http//www.mixweb.com/tpeters 43? 7' 17.2" N by 88? 6' 28.9" W, Elevation 815', Grid Square EN53wc WAN/LAN/Telcom Analyst, Tech Writer, MCP, CCNA, Registered Linux User 385531