Michael Lavocat wrote:> Thanks for the tip, however
> darwin:~ Mike$ smbclient \\\\\\test
> still results in...
> session request to failed (Call returned zero bytes (EOF))
> session request to 10 failed (Call returned zero bytes (EOF)) session
> request to *SMBSERVER failed (Call returned zero bytes (EOF))
> -Mike
> On 5/1/05, Geoff Scott <geoffs@guestshire.com> wrote:
>> Michael Lavocat wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> darwin:~ Mike$ smbclient \\\test
>>> \ Not enough '\' characters in service
>> :$ smbclient \\\\\\test
>> Escape your backslashes. with \\ you are only showing one to
>> smbclient via the shell.
>> Regards Geoff Scott
And you've checked the basics: no firewalls blocking the ports you need to
access, samba daemons running, etc etc
Regards Geoff Scott